𝘿𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙂𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝘽𝙮𝙚 - 𝘾𝙝. 1

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A police car was driving up the road where there was flipped cars and trucks. The police car stopped as the person inside turned off the engine, opening the trunk of the car. The person opens the car door revealing a police man. The police looked around to see the flipped car and trucks he shut the car door and opening the back seat car door to grab something then shutting it. The thing he grabbed was his sheriff hat. He put the hat on then shutting the door and walking to the trunk to grab a gas can, after he grabbed that he left the trunk open a bit and started walking to find the nearest gas station. There were flipped cars and trucks everywhere as the man walked. The man walked down a grassy hill there were stuff everywhere trash, children toys and more, the man looked in one of the cars to see a rotten corpse with flies buzzing all around the dead person. As he walked away from the sight there were tents and supplies everywhere it looked like someone or more people were living there camping there. He saw a sign saying 'No Gas' he man sighed and started to look around the place. He stopped walking as he heard shuffling footsteps, was it a person? He turned around as he heard the footsteps then he got on his knees putting his hat down on the ground looking under a car he saw a little girl walking her legs were dirty, she was wearing slippers she bent down and picked up a white teddy bear by it's leg. She started walking as she picked up the teddy bear the man got up as soon as she started to walk away. The little girl turned around before the man could see her face walking "Little girl?" The man said "I'm a policeman." She kept walking as if she didn't hear him so he called out to her again "Little girl." He said again she kept walking for a bit then stopping as if she did hear him! He didn't want her to be scared so he talked again "Don't be afraid, okay?" The man started to walk to the little girl "Little girl." The man called again she finally turned around showing her face. There were blood on her clothes and her face by her mouth looked like it was either bitten or torn off a bit, the girl started growling walking to the man her eyes looked like they were hungry for meat human meat to be exact, the man started to reach for his gun as he girl came closer. "Oh my God.." said the man as he took out his gun as the girl was coming closer faster she started to make noises. The man fired his gun and shot the little girl in her head. She fell back onto the ground the teddy bear she had flying out of her hands and onto the ground the little girl was dead well she was before but now she's even more dead but anyway the man started to put his gun down as he looked at the more dead girl.


The radio of the police was making noises as a two man were eating lunch. One of the men started talking "What's the difference between men and women?" The second man asked "This a joke?" Hoping the question was a joke, the first man sounded serious, "No I'm serious." The two men grabbed fries then the second man started to talk "I never met a women who knew how to turn off a light." Looks like the man is going to talk about his relationship problems. He started to talk again "They're born thinking the switch only goes one way on" "They're struck blind the second they leave a room" he started to chew on his food then talked again "I mean every woman I ever let have a key I swear to God, It's like I come home" he stops talking then starts yapping again "House is all lit up" he chuckles "And my job, you see, apparently because my chromosomes happen to be different is I've then gotta walk through that house, turn off every single light this chick left on." Then the first man started to talk looking at the other man "Is that right?" Then the second man started to yap again "Yeah baby mmm" then looked at the other man for a second then looks away "Oh reverend Shane is preaching to you now Boy" the both of them laugh. Then Shane talks again "then the same chick, mind you she'll bitch about Global Warming, you see this is- this is when reverend Shane wants to quote from the guy gospel and say, 'Darlin' maybe you and every other pair of boobs on this planet just figure out the light switch, you see, goes both ways maybe we wouldn't have so much Global Warming.' Then the other man looked at him and started to talk "You say that?" Then Shane starts talking again "Yeah well, a polite version." Shane laughs again. "Still man, that earns me this look of loathing you would not believe and that's when the Exorcist voice pops out." Shane then talking in a deep voice 'You sound just like my damn father!' Laughing. "always yelling about the power bill, telling me to turn off the damn lights!" And the other man looks at him and starts talking "And what do you say to that?" Then Shane starts talking again "I know what I want to say. I want to say 'Bitch you mean to tell me you've been hearing this your entire life and you are still too damn stupid to learn how to turn off a switch?' The both of them laugh again. Shane still yapping not shutting the hell up "You know I- I don't actually say that though" "that would be bad" "right right, yeah I go with the- I go with the polite version there too." "Very wise." "Yes sir." They were quiet for a few moments then Shane ask about the other man's wife and how's his marriage is. "So how's it with Lori man?" Then the other man starts to talk about his marriage, "She's good- she's good at turning off the lights." The man jokes then starts talking again "Really good. I'm the one who sometimes forgets." Then Shane talks again "Not what I meant." Rubbing his hands together to get the crumbs of the food he ate off his fingers. Everything is now quiet for a few moments, then the man starts talking again "We didn't have a great night" "Hey look man, I may have failed to amuse with my sermon, but I did try." Said Shane as he looked at the other man giving him advice. "The least you can do is speak." Shane said licking his lips "That's- that's what she always says." "Speak.. speak.." he said shaking his head a bit, "You'd think I was the most closed-mouth son of a bitch ever to hear her tell it." He stopped talking and Shane starts to speak again "Do you express your thoughts?" "Do you share your feelings, that kind of stuff?" He looked at him for an answer. "The thing is- lately whenever I try, everything I say makes her impatient, like she didn't want to hear it after all, it's like she's.. pissed at me all the time and I don't know why." "Look man. That's just shit, couples go through. Yeah it's a phase." "The last thing she said this morning 'Sometimes I wonder if you even care about us at all.' She said that in front of our kids. Imagine going to school with that in your head." Shane gave him a side eye, "The difference between men and women? I would never say something that cruel to her.. and certainly not in front of Carl, Gwen and Finney." They both become quiet before the radio beeps. The dispatcher starts to talk, "All available units, high-speed pursuit in progress. Linden County units request local assistance. Highway 18 eastbound GTA, ADW, 2-17, 2-4-3. Advise extreme caution." Shane and the other man start to put their food away. After that they put the food in the bags the other man starts the engine and the sirens start going off. Shane throws the food in the garage and they drive off to do their jobs.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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