chapter 4

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That was nice? I expel a pent-up breath of air. Who? No! What the hell was that? Were those horns? And how did he know about magic? What about all the talk of creatures and monsters?… I’m still stuck on the rules part. What rules am I breaking? My head is spinning with many questions until it occurs to me.

Oh my God! Mathilda put that man up to it. She must suspect I’m using magic and sent that guy over to scare me. I can’t believe I almost fell for it. I knew those horns were fake. I’ll give her props for originality, though; creatures are a pleasant touch.

While fishing in my pocket for my phone. I have a frightening realization. Mathilda wouldn’t expose the fact I’m a witch. Not to anyone, for any reason. I set the phone down, rethinking my next move. The slightest trepidation tenses my shoulders and raises my temperature. That guy knows I’m a witch and knows where I stay. He could come back anytime and… off me! No, he would have already killed me if that was his aim. He doesn’t want me using magic, but why? Doesn’t matter; I snort at the ludicrous demand. That’s like telling a bird not to fly and no one clips my wings, intimidating or not…

Class has me restless. I didn’t sleep well last night, being deeply disturbed by a ruggedly handsome horn wearing freak. Seriously, what makes him think he can boss me around? How did he sense my magic? Here I go again. Sighing, I stop with the useless questions and focus on the professor. The last thing I need is my grades slipping. Mathilda would lose it. The day drags on, and I’m relieved when it's last class until the results from my test come in. B minus, and I cheated! It's not bad enough to warrant attention, but it's definitely a step in the wrong direction by my standards.

Could this day get any worse? I’m still feeling the effects of my magic trip, and my late-night visitor has got me vexed. I’ve been waging a war in my head all day. Listing the reasons why what I’m thinking is a bad idea. No matter how many reasons I come up with and how good they are, I have a feeling it won’t matter. My aunt always said my curious nature would get me in trouble.

Stopping by the coffee shop, I pick up an iced coffee in hopes of a mood boost, but it does little for me. By the time I get back to the dorm, it’s empty, and I’m feeling similar. My phone rings, making me jump. Surprise, it's my aunt.

“Hey, what’s up?” I say, throwing myself on the bed and pressing the phone to my ear.

“Not much, hun. Rachel stopped by and left you a book.”

My smile slips, and I go silent. I miss home so much. Rachel is my best friend, well was. She was a senior when I was a freshman, but she lived next door. We were inseparable for nearly two years until she went away to college halfway across the world. We kind of lost touch months after.

“Oh, what’s she doing in town?”

I hear Mathilda sigh, like she can feel my sadness over the line.

“She dropped out, took a job in fashion or something like that… how are you doing, hun? Did you get your test back?”

I stop fiddling with the pillow when I realize she asked me something.

“Hmm? Sorry, I was daydreaming.”

There’s a long pause, and I check to see if we’re still connected;

“I know I pressed you to be safe, but college is supposed to be one of the most enjoyable times of your life. You should be elated.”

Yeah, that’s me, elated. The only time I feel anything lately is when I’m casting spells.

“I am, I’m just tired. My neighbor got in pretty late and woke me up.”

Ouch! The lies are really starting to flow.

Bewitching Jolene (Book 3) Jacobs Broken Mercenaries Where stories live. Discover now