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Hello armies...please pray for me that I get selected in university...I'm thinking positively but still pray..

        (Ahmm..) Jiminie's scream got supressed as someone closed her mouth...that someone dragged her at back of hotel towards campsite.....jiminie couldn't see that someone face because of darkness...

(Who are you?)Asked jiminie as that someone let her go....(How can you forget me sweetheart)said someone smirking in drunk state...jiminie turned and saw someone face because of little lightening there...(Dravel you)yelled jiminie little....(Yes me sweetheart...now be a good girl and let me have you)said dravel with lusty eyes making jiminie look at him in disgust...jiminie looked around and saw a thick wooden stick and grabbed it...(Do you think this stick will scare me sweetheart) laughed dravel...jiminie looked at him and smirked before beating him..(you think that I am alone so I will let you do whatever you...I'm also singhania mr.dravel,I can stop your seven families in a minute)jiminie beated him untill dravel lost his consciousness...(Huff...I need to tie him before he gets his consciousness back...)jiminie tied dravel to tree and left for her room ....

  Teachers along with students were at campsite while jiminie was standing beside tae watching everything...(Untie him)said prof nat to drevel friend's...drevel friend's untied him and splashed water so he could open his eyes...dravel opened his eyes and looked at everyone untill his eyes fell on jiminie ...(You bitch...)yelled drevel and walked towards jiminie but stopped as prof nat yelled(drevel ...stand in middle and explain)....drevel glared at jiminie who just looked at him blankly...drevel explained that he had drank and jiminie beated him with thick stick but didn't utter about how he lusted over him...prof nat looked at jiminie who had blank face while fav5 along with Tae/n looked at jiminie confuse that what drevel said is true or not...(Miss.singhania explain and stand in middle)...jiminie sighed and walked standing beside dravel...(He tried to force me so as in defence ...I tied him after making him unconscious)...fav5 looked at jiminie shocked while Tae/n just looked at her worried....

(Drevel you are suspended from university till mid-year and yes! apologize to miss.singhania)Said principal...drevel nodded and apologized to jiminie who also forgave him..

Everyone entered room and sat on minTae/n bed...jiminie sighed and layed down on bed and drifted to sleep...Tae smiled and explained everyone everything as jiminie already told her in morning and also that she and jiminie learned defence..yoongi smiled sadly thinking how he is failing in protecting his fiance...jiminie who In sleep felt discomfort hugged her fiance who sat beside her...(Yoon....cuddle Minnie)jiminie said in sleep making everyone smile and yoongi cuddle her...all couples cuddled while hope/n too cuddled as y/n was sulking...

Evening 7:00pm:

Everyone came out of hotel room and went towards the tea and coffee spot...jiminie who served herself tea immediately puked it out after taking sip..jiminie immediately drank water to soothe the bitter taste of tea...(Jiminie you okay,what happened?)asked Tae ..(nothing...it's green tea..so bitter for my taste)jiminie said almost sulking...(Right you always drink your handmade desi tea)Tae said making jiminie nodd...(Why don't you try coffee)yoongi said even knowing that his fiance won't drink..as expected jiminie shaked her head and sat eating snacks while pouting...tae felt bad along with others but they knew they can't bring desi tea ingredients here....

Everyone ate dinner and left for their rooms...fav5 was sitting in taemin/n room...they all were chatting untill somone knocked the door...Tae opened the door and saw one of hotel waiter with hot kettle...(Hello,what do you want?)Tae asked confused...waiter smiled and answered( hello mam,miss.singhania had ordered me to bring kettle so here it is...)tae confusedly took kettle on her hand from waiters and closed the door as waiter left...

(Thankyou)Jiminie said after taking kettle from Tae who looked at her confuse..(why did you ask for kettle?)fav5/n looked at jiminie who smiled happily after connecting kettle wire with switch...(What are you doing jiminie?)this time Jin asked...(Wait and watch unnie)jiminie smiled and took out few milk boxes ...she poured milk boxes and then equal or maybe little more water...jiminie then walked towards her bag and took out packets...she cut their edges and then poured then in solution of water and milk...she then add few other ingredients and waited for it to mix and flow up..

After five minutes;jiminie poured the hot solution in dispensol cup from campsite and gave it to fav5 and tae/n while she herself sat with legs folded beside her yoon...yoongi smiled as jiminie let out satisfied sigh after having sip...(You are stubborn,you know)yoongi said looking at her happy fiance...jiminie giggled before saying(I know)...fav5 smiled at couple...(We have to drink it,right?)jin said looking at jiminie...(No,you have to keep it as showpiece..of course you have to drink it unnie)Tae said sarristically making Jin smack her...everyone smiled and drank solution...everyone let out contented sigh...(It's amazing jiminie)Jin said making fav5/n nodd...(I know right)Tae said happily drinking while shaking her legs like kid...(You have drank this thing  before Tae?)jk asked making tae nodd...(Many times and yes!it's called Desi masala chai)...everyone nodded and drank tea happily after praising jiminie who just smiled at everyone...

MY PAKINDIAN LOVE IN KOREA😊😊Where stories live. Discover now