Chapter 6

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Narrator's POV

Britain France stared at Timber in silence. Fearing if one speaks , all hell would break lose. Until...

"Alright, I can't take this silence anymore! Why are you staring at me?!", Timber yelled out in frustration. "You know exactly why! German spy!", Britain yells as he stood up. "Oh please, World War II was how many years ago and you're still mad about that little incident?!", Timber asked mockingly.

Britain's face becomes visibly red and he raised his hand but suddenly fell to the ground with a heavy thud as light blue mist surrounded him.

"Forgive my husband, he's still upset that someone of the enemy side managed to sneak into his country.", France said as she sat her husband's sleeping body back in his chair. Timber looked her in the eye, "I was just looking around, I wasn't going to do anything. Besides...", Timber crosses her arms, "... That was 9 years ago." "Be that as it may , it still was unexpected.", France said as she walked towards her.

"Now, you came here looking for help, correct?", France questioned and Timber only nodded. "Very well, is there someone I can contact to come pick you up?" "Russia.", Timber said and watched as Miss France walked away and vanished into the kitchen.

Timber stood there silently, waiting patiently for her to return and that she can leave as fast as possible.

After a few seconds of waiting, Timber got bored and walked over to the table where Britain was sitting at and we'll sound asleep. She picked up the newspaper he was ready and began to read through it for anything interesting.

Nothing sparked interested until a certain headline caught her eye.

"Superstar , retuning to Pangaea?", Timber questioned and proceeded to read on, "Famous son of Great Britain and Miss France will be returning home after years in movie production.". Timber skimmed over the information and at the bottom was a picture of the supposed 'Superstar' but Timber found herself staring at the image.

'Wait... Is that , America?!' , Timber shouted in her thoughts as old memories resurfaced. 'Wow, I've gotta say, the kid's grown since the last time I saw him. Wonder if he still remembers me? Probably not , it's been what like... 4 or 5 years ago by now.' , Timber thought as she placed the newspaper back down on the table.

Just then, Miss France returned, "I finished speaking with Russia and he said he'll be here soon. Shall I escort you out?" "Yes , please. If I were to try and leave myself, I would most definitely get lost. Then again I could teleport myself outside, but then again I have no idea on how big this place is and may get myself even more lost.", Timber explains.

Miss France chuckles and leads the way, Timber following close by but maintain a fair distance. As Miss France was also well known as a powerful witch due to her unique Awakening that allowed her to cast farious spells and use many tipes of magic.

One wrong move and she could cast anyone into oblivion if she so wished it.

It didn't take long for them to reach the front door and step out. The sky was pitch black but some stars where still noticable. Timber gazed at the star filled sky until she heard the sound of an approaching vehicle. Turning her attention towards the sound, a familiar navy blue car pulling up into the driveway.

A familiar ushanka popped out of the driver's seat. He quickly walked up to them and tightly hugged Timber. "Thank the High Powers your not hurt.", The Russian exclaimed. "I appreciate the concern Rusky, but I can't breathe...", Timber said as she patted his back. "Oh , sorry!", he said as she quickly released her and a chuckle was heard from Miss France.

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