Happy Ending

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A huge wind came from window,temple bells were ringing,heavy waves were coming from the divine power tunder storms coming from sky(on thunderstorm no rain)....and now

Draupadi was in mayavan she didn't know what was happening then she was made realise her past and she apologized to
everyone knowing her mistake but to her suprise Krishna stopped her...

K-no no sakhi you don't need to do it

D-govind you know everything and my intentions also maybe even still i am your sakhi

A-yes Panchali bcz u wished it

D-what r u saying...

A-like jambavanta wished to fight with madhav to see his power u wished to see to divine power of him

K-ur a great devotee of mine who wished to see my power and which I accepted but I cannot show it until right time comes

D-govind I am really pleased now and leave  my life as my all wishes are fulfilled

Then  the chandramukhi form of yogamaya kills her and she join in mahadev leading to her peace

And yogamaya also leaves her body as her birth reason is fullfilled

But Krishna and other didn't since adharma have not come to an end...but Arjuna didn't know this immediately when he found subhadra(he knew Ulupi and chitrangada are her souls only and once united can never come back)

A-su su subhadraa..he was sobbing everyone surrounded him get up u can't leave me like this

Krishna kept his hand on arjun shoulder and

K-parth calm down it's destiny we can't help

A-madhav pls I want her back pls


A-madhav pls there will be a way pls I want her back

K-s there is a way but

A-but what madhav I can do it if she will be in my life

K-she will forget her past only about ur marriage as her powers were activated after it only
There was full silence

K-parth u have to gain her love back will u and only u and I will remember all not even ur family

Arjun wiping tears s I will

Then Krishna used his power due to which everything went to pat were subhadra was in kanyakul
So guys this the end of story and it will have

Hope you like it

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