✦ { Kailyn } Past in the Spotlight

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Reviewer: Kailucy

Cover: 7/10

I like the color scheme and the layout is nice. The choice to have the letters feel glowy was smart and fit the title. I like the background as well. However, it is crowded in my opinion. Taking out the subtitle? It's blurry as it is but maybe it would seem a bit less crowded without?

Title: 9/10

The title is good. It fits the plot and is easy to remember. It also seems to have a bit of a double meaning which I absolutely love. Overall, I think the title is good and conveys the message of the story well.

Blurb: 9/10

The blurb is well written. It introduces the main characters and conflict. I also love the way you word things. The blurb caught my attention right away and made me excited to begin reading. Wonderful job.

Character: 8/10

So far I don't feel much for the characters. Since I only read five chapters + the prologue I'm not going to dive too much into it since it takes me a while to connect to characters anyway. The good thing is that you're already setting them up with personality. I like that you've already given Lee Jong Hee some backstory and that you have started some dynamics with him and Marianne. I like that you're not telling how they act and that you're showing it through dialogue and actions so I do think that if I continue reading I will love these characters.

Plot: 19/20

The plot is interesting and fast-paced. The prologue starts off with a beautiful proposal scene the writing in that scene is perfect but then it cuts to behind the scenes of a movie. That was the perfect way to begin. The first chapter continued with the movie side of things and then there's some action. With just these two chapters you set up quite a bit. Mainly you set up several aspects of the plot and have already made it where it's going to be hard to put the book down. Chapter three is where the main plot starts and it continued until I stopped. I really do want to see what will happen next so I'll most likely try to keep reading.

Writing style: 19/20

I adore your writing style. It's beautiful, engaging, and descriptive. It fits the genre and story perfectly as well.

Grammar/spelling/vocabulary: 9/10

I didn't notice anything major.

Enjoyment: 9/10

I really enjoyed this a lot. The plot particularly caught my attention.

Overall: 89/100

Overall, you're off to a great start. The plot is interesting and you're writing style is great. Keep it up!

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