Unusual pairing

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The sun cast a golden glow through the windows of the Academy of Fine Arts, illuminating the bustling corridors where students hurried to and fro, their arms laden with sketchbooks and canvases. Among them strode two figures, Adhi Johal and Avhi Kaur, their rivalry sparking like flint on steel.

Adhi, with his tousled hair and perpetually unimpressed expression, sauntered down the hallway with the air of someone who knew they were destined for greatness. Beside him, Avhi, her vibrant duppata billowing behind her like a flag of defiance, matched his stride with equal determination.

As they reached the noticeboard announcing the final project of the year, Adhi's brow furrowed in confusion. "What's this nonsense?" he muttered, squinting at the neatly typed instructions.

Avhi's eyes narrowed as she scanned the page. "Looks like we're supposed to collaborate on some sort of masterpiece," she said, her voice dripping with disdain.

Adhi scoffed. "Collaborate? With you?" He turned to her, his gaze challenging. "I'd rather paint blindfolded with my left hand."

Avhi rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. Like I'd waste my talents on someone who thinks a stick figure is avant-garde."

Their banter was interrupted by the arrival of their professor, Mr. Patel, a man whose patience seemed to have been worn thin by years of dealing with artistic egos.

"Ah, Adhi, Avhi," he said, his voice tinged with forced cheerfulness. "I trust you've seen the assignment."

Adhi crossed his arms, his expression one of defiance. "Yeah, we saw it. And we're not doing it."

Avhi nodded in agreement. "Absolutely not. I have standards, you know."

Mr. Patel sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'm afraid it's not up for debate, you two. You've been paired together, and that's final."

Adhi's eyes widened in horror. "You can't be serious! This is a disaster waiting to happen."

Avhi's lips curled into a smirk. "I couldn't agree more. I'll go beg the teacher to change the partners if I have to."

And with that, they marched off in search of Mr. Patel, their rivalry momentarily forgotten in the face of a common enemy: collaboration.

Mr. Patel's office was a haven of organized chaos, with sketches pinned to every available surface and the faint smell of turpentine lingering in the air. Adhi and Avhi barged in, their expressions a mix of determination and desperation.

"Mr. Patel, you can't seriously expect us to work together," Adhi blurted out, his voice tinged with desperation.

Avhi nodded fervently. "It's like asking a lion to team up with a gazelle. It's just not going to end well."

Mr. Patel regarded them with a weary sigh. "I understand your concerns, but this project is designed to challenge you both. Besides, your differing styles could complement each other nicely."

Adhi scoffed. "Complement? More like clash and burn."

Avhi shot him a withering glance before turning back to Mr. Patel. "Please, sir, there must be some mistake. Surely there's someone else we can work with?"

Mr. Patel shook his head, his expression sympathetic but firm. "I'm afraid not. The pairings are final, and I expect both of you to give this your best effort."

Adhi and Avhi exchanged a resigned glance, a silent agreement passing between them. As much as they loathed the idea of collaborating, they were both too stubborn to back down from a challenge.

"Fine," Adhi grumbled, his voice laced with reluctance. "But don't expect miracles."

Avhi's lips twitched into a smirk. "Oh, don't worry. I never expect anything less than mediocre from you."

After leaving Mr. Patel's office, Adhi and Avhi made their way to their classroom, the tension crackling between them like static electricity. They settled into their respective seats on opposite ends of the room, each determined to ignore the other's presence.

As they worked on finishing up yesterday's task, the silence between them was punctuated only by the scratching of pencils on paper. Adhi glanced across the room at Avhi, her brow furrowed in concentration as she sketched. He couldn't deny the talent evident in her work, even if he despised admitting it.

Avhi, aware of Adhi's scrutiny, resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She could feel his gaze boring into her like a laser, but she refused to let him see how much his opinion mattered to her.

When the lunch bell finally rang, signaling the end of the morning session, Adhi practically leaped out of his seat, eager to escape the suffocating atmosphere of the classroom. He headed straight for his group of friends, who were lounging in their usual spot by the fountain, laughing and joking as if they didn't have a care in the world.

Avhi, on the other hand, gathered her belongings with a sense of resignation. She knew she wouldn't be welcome among Adhi's friends, nor did she particularly care to be. Instead, she made her way to the courtyard, where she found a secluded spot under a sprawling oak tree. Pulling out her book, she lost herself in its pages, the words transporting her far away from the chaos of the world around her.

As Adhi laughed at one of his friend's jokes, his gaze flickered momentarily to where Avhi sat alone under the tree. He couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt at the sight of her solitude, but he quickly brushed it aside. After all, it wasn't his problem if she preferred to be a loner.

After reluctantly tearing himself away from his friends, Adhi made his way to his locker, which inconveniently happened to be right next to Avhi's. He groaned inwardly at the proximity, but resigned himself to the inevitable interaction.

As he fumbled with the combination lock, he couldn't resist sneaking a sideways glance at Avhi, who was already retrieving her books with practiced efficiency. "You know," he remarked with a smirk, "I never realized just how short you are until now. Are you sure you don't need a step stool to reach your locker?"

Avhi shot him a withering glare, her patience wearing thin. "Oh, how original," she retorted, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I'm surprised you can even see me from up there on your high horse."

Adhi chuckled despite himself, begrudgingly admiring Avhi's quick wit. "Touche," he conceded, before turning his attention back to his locker. "But let's not kid ourselves. We both know I'm the one destined for greatness in this class."

Avhi rolled her eyes, resisting the urge to roll her textbooks into a makeshift bludgeon. "Keep telling yourself that, Johal. Maybe one day it'll come true."

With their exchange of barbs complete, they grabbed their books and parted ways, each heading off to their respective classes with a sense of relief.

After enduring four hours of classes that seemed to drag on endlessly, the end-of-school bell finally rang, signaling freedom for Adhi and Avhi. As they gathered their belongings and prepared to leave, Adhi couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation mixed with dread at the prospect of their upcoming collaboration.

"Hey, Avhi," Adhi called out as they made their way out of the building. "Any ideas on where we should start our masterpiece?"

Avhi paused, considering for a moment before a mischievous glint appeared in her eyes. "Well, I happen to have a studio apartment that's perfect for creative endeavors," she replied, a hint of challenge in her voice. "How about we meet there this Thursday?"

Adhi raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued despite himself. "Your studio apartment, huh? I hope it's not too cramped. I'd hate for my genius to be stifled by your lack of space."

Avhi smirked, unfazed by his snarky remark. "Oh, don't worry, Johal. I'll make sure to clear out all the clutter so you have plenty of room to stretch your artistic ego."

With a laugh, Adhi nodded in agreement. "Well, in that case, I suppose I can tolerate your presence for an afternoon. But don't expect me to hold back when it comes to critiquing your taste in decor."

And with that, they parted ways, each secretly looking forward to their upcoming collaboration, even if they'd never admit it out loud.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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