1- nightmare

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Macey's pov:

I sat bolt upright and looked around my hotel room, breathing heavily. I pulled my legs up to my chest as I recalled my nightmare. It was another one about Toby, my ex boyfriend. He'd broken up with me over six months ago, but I was still letting him scare me. I laid back down and tried to get back to sleep. Toby's words were still swirling around my head making me nervous. Giving up on sleep, I pulled up my brothers contact on my phone and started typing.

Paul r u awake-

-Not anymore

Sorry x-

-Apology not accepted, anyway what do u want

-I had another nightmare

-I'm coming x

A few minutes later there was a knock at my door. I got up and opened it for my brother. I was only one and a half years younger than him, but he'd always been protective over me. I sat down on my bed and he sat on the edge of it.

" Are you ok?" he said, looking at me with worried eyes. 

I shrugged as tears started to fill my eyes. Paul noticed and pulled me into a hug.

"I know I should be over it by now but every time I close my eyes he's there waiting to hurt me again" I said.

"I promise it will get better, you just need time to heal. What Toby did to you was unforgivable and it kills me to see how much he hurt you." Paul said.

I really wanted to believe him but it still felt like things would be this bad forever. Everything around me had improved but I hadn't. I had a seat in F2 but I was still fighting this internal battle. 

"How about tomorrow after practice you, me, Ollie and Arthur all go out for lunch or something?" Paul asked.

"Yeah I'd like that"

"Try and get some sleep ok. Nothing's going to hurt you"

I laid my head back down on the pillow feeling fatigue wash over me. I shut my eyes trying to let my mind settle down. Paul stayed with me until I fell asleep again to make sure I was ok, before heading back to his own room. 


I walked into the prema garage looking for my PR manager, Lucy. I eventually found her and she told me that I had a group interview with Ollie, Dennis and Jak. I was just about to go to my driver room when someone knocked into me, accidentally spilling their drink all down my shirt. It was Ollie.

"Shit Macey I'm so sorry!" he said half laughing. I just stared at him then down at my sopping shirt then back at him. Ollie now decided this was too much for him and burst out in fits of laughter.

"You think this is funny Bearman?" I said grabbing my water from the table.

The smile vanished from his face as he looked at the bottle in my hand. I began unscrewing  the lid and Ollie immediately started running away into the paddock, realising I was about to throw it over him. I chased him almost to the other end before I finally reached him to get my revenge. I poured the entire bottle over his head. He looked like a drowned rat. I could say this because he was my best friend and I was his. 

"MACEY LOOK AT ME IM DRENCHED!" He shouted making a few people glance over at us. 

"Stop being so dramatic you'll dry out in a second, it's boiling out here!" I chuckled. 

"I actually hate you so much!" He said as we approached the media pen.

"Guys you're late! And why are you soaking wet?" Lucy said looking at the both of us. "Never mind just get in the interview quickly!"

I sat down in between Dennis and Zak, and Ollie took the end seat on the other side of Dennis. Zak gave me a questioning look but I just innocently smiled back. He shook his head chuckling slightly.

"Now that we're all here we can begin. Macey I would like to start with you" the interviewer said directing his attention to me. "What's it like driving in f2 as a woman? It's very male dominated, so do you ever feel out of place at all?"

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. I hated when I got asked these sort of questions. Ollie looked at me sensing that I was uncomfortable. 

I took a breath before replying. "I don't see how I would ever feel out of place. I've earned my seat and I want to keep showing that I'm worthy of it. The fact that the people around me are male doesn't make a difference to me. I race them the same as I would a female!" 

"Thank you, and now Dennis over to you!"

I sighed in relief and relaxed my muscles again. With any luck I wouldn't have too many more questions today. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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