a day at home..

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yakus pov

i saw that i got a text from my dad *oh shit.* i opened the text to see

Dad: yaku i heard that tomorrow you will get home so i hope that you finally have changed those anger issuse of yours, your aunt and uncle will also be here tomorrow so please get a present for them

i just looked at the message not even replying to him leaving him on read. *i cannot deal w this shit honestly*


it was 0:21 am and i was scrolling on tiktok while i heard kuroo snoring in the other room and i got annoyed, then i got a text from lev?

LevH: hiya yaku r u still awake????
YakuM: yeah?
LevH: o hiiii
YakuM: did u need smt?
LevH: nah im jst bored and everyone is asleep
YakuM: mhmm
LevH: sOooOoOoOoOo
YakuM: ?
LevH: watcha gon do tmr?
YakuM: visit my family prolly
LevH: o yah i completely forgot that was tmr
YakuM: yeah anyways i think imma head to sleep
LevH: oh okayy goodnight yakuuuu!!!
YakuM: night

*what is it w this guy and texting me???* i shrugged it off and went to sleep knowing it would be hell tmr


i woke up by someone calling me *h-huh?*
i look at my phone to see it was kuroo.
-finally you're awake, yeah so if u didnt know already im not able to drive u to ur parents today sorry man
-wha- why not?
-wellll my mum wanted me to go for an hour ago and u didnt want to get up so yeahhh
-oh ffs.. yeah nah its fine
-u sure?
-yeah ill jst take the buss or something
-okay well see ya tmr man!
the call hang up and i groan out *oh for fuck sake now i gotta take a bus uuugghhghgg*. I got up and fixed myself and then looked at the buss app to see when the next buss would come but then i remembered someone who said if i needed i ride i could just call him.. *oh nonono im not gonna do that no way* i thought to myself but then got frustrated *hmm maybe just this one time??* i went to snap and hesitated to call him at first but then did it, it took a few minutes before he answered.
-hiya yaku smt u need?!
-hi lev i uh.. was wondering id your able to drive rn?
-uh yeah im actually about to leave soon, where r u headed?
-i can send u the address but you rlly dont have too if your too busy
-oh nonesense ill be at your dorm in 5 mins, cya soonnn
and just like that he hung up, *what the fuck?!* i sighed and went to put on my coat and shoes because it was pretty cold today,i sent the address to lev and then i went outside to wait for lev and finally he showed up
-hiya yaku comon lezgo
lev gave me the spare helmet and i hopped on


it would take like an hour till we were at my house so i was holding on the bike from behind and was scrolling through my phone while lev was driving, but then i got cold so i put my phone in the pocket but was gonna zip up my coat but i almost fell so i immediately took a hold of lev and then after a while i tried zipping it up fast and after that i hold onto lev again. i felt kinda tired so i rested my head on his back hoping he wouldnt mind and didnt notice he had one of his hand on my arm as i was just looking at the side of the road.

Levs pov:

While i was driving i felt yakus head rest on my back and i smiled, i put my hand on his arm just incase he fell asleep so he wouldn't fall off. After awhile i looked at my petrol meter and saw that it was low *fuck*. I took away my hand from his arm a bit to check on my phone the nearest gas station and i saw that it was 10 mins away from where we were now so i told yaku about it and he sat up straight again and i got a cold rush on my back. After we stopped at the gas station yaku took out his wallet for some reason
-r you going to the store?
-wha? no im obviously gonna pay for your petrol
-oh nono its no worries i got it
-lev your driving me all this way i gotta pay you back somehow
-no yaku its fine ill pay for it no problem

we were arguing for who was gonna pay for it but after a while i gave up and yaku payed for it and i sighed, after that we went to the road again.


yakus pov

i hopped off the bike and waved goodbye to lev.
i looked around and saw where my home was, or if i can even call it that. I walked up to the door knocking on it waiting a bit before i see my mum opening the door.
-oh hello sweetie! so good to see you again
-hi mum
she took me in to a hug hugging me tightly and i try to smile, after the hug she took me inside the house and i met my aunt and uncle there too. We sat and was gonna eat dinner but i needed to go to the bathroom and when i was halfway there i saw my dad. We just stared at each other and didnt say a word.


I was putting the plates on the table helping my mum and then after that we all went to sit and eat and we talked but then all of a sudden my dad asked

-soo yaku got a chick yet?
-hm? uhm no..
i heard him chuckle a bit and i just looked down annoyed and i could hear my mum trying to make my dad stop asking stupid ahh questions.

we ate dinner and then we just sat at the table and talked but i got weird glares from my dad now and then and he was also commenting on the most smallest things about me i was actually getting kinda pissed but i let it slide.

-So yaku hows school goin for you?
-uh its been fine
-any drammaa??
-aunty u know i dont get involved in that
-buttt i wanna knowww
-well fine but it wont be that good
me and aunty talked about school while mum was cleaning up in the kitchen and then suddenly we heared a loud crash *WTF WAS THAT..*.

We quickly got up to go to the kitchen to see what had happened and it was full of glass everywhere on the ground and mum was standing there shaking, so i quickly got to her ignoring the glass on the floor
and before she could even respond my dad rushed into the kitchen fuming
my dad yelled at my mum and i got so mad at him.
-dad calm down it was a accident! why the fuck are you yelling at her?!
i was too stunned to speak and just stood there with my mum, dad came closer to us and i ofc backed up not knowing what he was about to do but then i just hear a loud slap and see my mum sitting on the ground with a huge red mark on her face and my dad looking down at her with rage in his eyes

i stood there shocked and so did aunty and uncle. Dad was about to hit mum again but before i even thought i got in the way of my mum and dad and....

icba to write more okay my motivation aint that high ANYWAYS CLIFFHANGER WE LOVE IT so imma go start writing on chap 5 now toodles btw my writing is prolly fuckin shit but icba honestly

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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