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september 1st 2023


"You didn't?" Emma groaned as she leaned her head back against the window of her black SUV.

"I'm sorry it just sorta slipped out when I was talking to him, and then I felt bad, so I invited all of them," Xander raised his hands in defense as he rambled.

"You could've invited everyone but him!"

"He's the one I was talking to! I couldn't just tell him his brothers are invited, but he's not!"

"I would've."

"It's a weekend, it'll be fine," Lucas chimed in as he walked from the trunk to the front.

"Did he really have to ride with us, though? I can barely handle you guys," Emma sighed as she opened the driver's side door.

"The place only has two parking spaces, so if your little boyfriend is still coming, then we have to use one car," Lucas said, his face turning sour as he mentioned Jaden.

"I don't even know if he is, he hasn't texted me since like yesterday afternoon," Emma said, shrugging though her mind was running wild with thoughts about what the boy could be doing.

The boys and Emilie shared a look at the brunette's words, knowing nothing good was coming from her boyfriend not responding to her. Nobody voiced their displeasure knowing it wouldn't end well, but all of their hatred grew just a bit bigger for the boy.

As Lucas was about to respond to the girl, the members of Ten Hearts found their way to Emma's car, "Emmy my dear sweet sister can I ride passenger?" Ethan questioned as he walked to the driver's side door.

"I'm not subjecting Em to being in the back with the lot of you, nice try, E," Emma said as she smiled at her brother and two of the triplets before dropping it and settling on a wave for Matthew.

"Hey Emmy, thanks for letting us ride along," Nick said as he came closer to the driver's side to hug the brunette girl.

"I honestly didn't know until a few minutes but as long you keep your brother on a leash," Emma spoke as Nick and Chris let out a laugh, and Matthew glared at the girl in the driver's seat.

"I make no promises, he runs off sometimes."

"I'm not a dog," Matt said as he looked between his siblings and Emma.

"Well, I wouldn't say that," The girl laughed as his face fell before turning and sitting fully in her SUV as Nick closed her door. Rolling her window down, she yelled, "Everybody better load up, or you're getting left."

"Did you have to yell when I'm right here," Matt spoke as he grabbed his bag off the ground, "Your voice is already bad as is, no need to make it unbearable."

"Shut the fuck up for once, Sturniolo, and get in the damn car."


"Matthew I swear to fuck if you complain about my driving one more time I'm pulling the car over to punch you in the face," Emma said as Matt complained for a fifth time within 20 minutes that her driving sucked.

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