Chapter 10 P.1: First Patrol and Ancillary

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Dedicated to @Curvy_Cutie_Mar for raising my spirit with their kind words <3

Xavier's POV

"Xavier, come here." I turn to Dad, walking up to him calmly. I don't know if he found out about Zay and I skipping chemistry yesterday but I am not about to give him a clue in.

"Yeah, Dad?" I've always strived to make him proud. I don't act out with the intent to hurt him, I desperately try to hide my wrong doings and faults.

"I want you to go outside and warm up." I raise a brow. "Today you'll be on patrol." I smile, trying not to grin overly wide. Gotta maintain some kind of integrity. "You'll take the northern border."

Dad sends me off to the border from the pack house with a smile, like he's so sure I'll succeed. Me? I'm not so sure. My partner, a scrawny man named Elijah, instructs me to clear the path to the east while he heads to the west from our meeting point at the northern border. "You got this kid," he encourages. I give a tight lipped smile.

The borders of our path are a beautiful walk, full of foliage. Green covers the trees in the form of leaves and moss. The air smells foggy with mass amount of plants and the slight smell of. . . Wait, that's. . . The unfamiliar scent is not of a rogue but perhaps of another pack. I've met wolves from many packs but none have had this scent. If they are from a pack, they've come far and for what? I smell two slightly different scents meaning there's two of them. Spies?

I take a deep whiff of the air, trying to pinpoint what direction they're coming from. It's grown stronger. It's-


With a thud I fall to the ground as a fist aims for my face. I quickly catch the fist, throwing the person off of me while kicking myself to my feet. He's young, maybe a few years older than me but not more than that. He takes on a fighting stance as he observes my motionless self. It's just a kid. A kid far from home. Observing him, I notice how tense he is. Where's the second one? Another sniff of the air gives way to a copper scent, blood. The other must be hurt.

"Hi," I say plainly. "You don't have to fight me," I try. He tenses further. 'There's two wolves over here but I have it handled,' I mind link Elijah.

'Two rogues?' His voice sounds worried.

'Not rogues, teens from another pack. I got it,' I insist. He says he's on his way anyways and I sigh, knowing my time is going to be cut down.

"If your friend is hurt, I can help. My Dad's the Alpha," I say with a bright smile.

The boy nods, not losing his tense state as he gestures for me to follow him. As he leads me towards where our border meets the outskirts of the human town, the scent of blood increases. He goes around a tree and a boy who looks about my age is leaning against it. I'm unsure what's more shocking; his black eye or the bear trap his foot is caught in. His foot is covered in blood.

"You said you can help him?" His voice sounds unsure but the younger teen looks to me hopeful. I nod, swallowing as I crouch down to release the bear trap. Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for young pups to get caught in a bear trap or two during their first outings. Dad has been working on scouts to dismantle them within the first few miles of the pack's borders so young learning pups can be safer as they begin hunting.

He cries as the trap is released, grabbing onto the hand of the older teen.

"Xavier!" The voice of Elijah cuts from where we had just come from. "What were you thinking? Who are these two?"

"Please sir," the injured wolf says through a broken lip. "Please help us." One full look at the injured boy and Elijah gave a sigh of defeat while mumbling about 'making the Alpha angry' was bound to 'cause trouble.'

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