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Today is Sunday and it's 09:30Pm A family was sitting and having dinner at a beautiful dining table, But there most of the people do not belong to this family some .

??? : Yahhh Mom Why are you always chasing me, I will work whenever my heart wants

A boy yell at his mother while putting down his spoon and fork . His mother look at the man who was sitting beside his son eating his food quietly but as soon she looked at him he also looked up at her and shake his head as no

Mother : I'm leaving everything to you, son

The man : i know Aunty.

He said with a little smile on his face . The father of that boy said

Father : Joon ?

Another person who was having his meal looked up and said

Joon : Yes Uncle Jeon ?

Mr Jeon : Son, how is your work going, how is everything in the company?

Joon : Uncle Everything is going very well in the company and now I'll work on the new project which is going to start from next month.

Everyone feel happy for him than one of them Said

??? : yahhh Namjoon You haven't told us this good news yet

Namjoon : oh yeah sorry Seokjin i was really really busy that's why I forgot

Seokjin : This has happened 3 times that you did not told us about such a big thing

Namjoon : yahh i apologise naaa eat your food now huh

Everyone chuckled at their conversation

Mr Jeon : By the way, you did not tell with which company you will be working with Joon ? or are you preparing for a new project by yourself ?

He said and Namjoon look towards the man who was sitting opposite side to him and that man raised his hand a bit and said

??? : Uncle me and Jimin

Everyone got amazed and stop eating for a while and starting questioning


He said and stand up from his seat but a man run towards him and grab his arm clam him down and said

??? : yahh Hyung clam your self we were about to tell you but Uncle Jeon invite us on dinner that's why today we decided to tell everyone at once here

Jin : means Jimin I'm his brother he should tell me first but he--

Mrs Jeon : Jinnnnnn

Jin look towards her and sit on his place and the mysterious man who was eating his meal quietly without even paying any attention to the conversation . He said while eating his meal

??? : Uncle From tomorrow Jungkook is coming on work with you

Namjoon choke on his food Mrs Jeon pass him a glass of water . Jungkook eyes was wide open due the sudden decision. Jimin smirk at that person's words and cherry on top Jimin said

Jimin : As our Uncle needs to take rest so why not yeahhh

Mr Jeon who was controlling his laugh said

Mr Jeon : Now that Taehyung has said this, no one here can say No . Right Jungkook??

Jungkook who was already in shock said

Jungkook : Hyung, you were the one who told me that I should have some freedom before work

Taehyung : But I didn't say that you should behave so rudely, you have become such a rude and ignorant person, Jungkook . And most important thing is you are old enough to work now you are adult now don't forget that

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