Chapter 2: The media

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So I've decided to continue with the book, for shits and giggles at least. Its hailing and thundering really bad, so I'm just sitting on my porch as I write this.

I don't know when I fell asleep but I can hear hushed giggles and whispering next to me. I slowly start to open my eyes, and I see Mr. Radke with a "Kiss the chef" apron on and Willow with her Cinderella apron as they make what smells like blueberry waffles, eggs and bacon. I notice I fell asleep on the couch and that its almost 10am. Realizing how late I slept, I spring up and speed walk to the kitchen. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I slept through my alarm, I'll get started on everything" I hurriedly spoke. Mr Radke looked over at me and smiled, "Nope, today we are treating you to breakfast before I go to my interviews" he said as he plated the food. I sit at the table and watch as Willow walks up to me and places a heart shaped waffles with a bacon smile. I smile at her and gently pinch her cheek, as she giggles and quickly gets into her chair. "Thank you, I appreciate this" I look over at Mr Radke, as he brings me a cup of coffee. "So what are you two planning on doing while I'm gone today?" He says as he starts eating. "Well I was thinking of taking Willow with me as I run errands. My car needs an oil change so while the mechanic does that, I was gonna take her to a couple stores. Nothing too worthwile" I shrugged, eating the food. "Okay, why dont you take my card for that. Use it for the oil change too" He said as he handed me his card, "No I couldn't. I can pay for the oil change-" I tried telling him, "Nonsense, I'm your employer and you've had to run around more than normal. Let me pay for it." I trued to argue but Willow had taken the card, "I'll make sure she uses this card Captain Daddy!" Mr Radke chuckled and saluted at her. "Thank you Sergeant Willow" I chuckled and finished my food, cleaning the dishes as Mr Radke got him and Willow ready for the day. Once I finished, I went and got ready, putting on a sun dress and sandals. Grabbing my jean jacket, I go to the living room and wait for them. A minute later, I heard them walking down the stairs so I met them halfway. "Alright you two-" Ronnie stopped halfway and stared at me for a second before quickly turning and grabbing his keys and wallet. "Alright uhm stay-stay safe and call me if you need anything, my card is in your wallet so uhm- yeah." He stuttered as he walked out to the garage and left. "Huh...that was weird" I thought. I gently picked up Willow and grabbed my bag. "Alright you, lets go drop my car off and get started on the errands." As i drove to the mechanic shop, I noticed a car following me. Thinking nothing of it, I decided the oil change could wait and that I would start grocery shopping. I parked towards the front and took Willow inside, letting her sit in the child seat of the cart. "Alright Willow, what kinda dinners do we want this week?" I asked as I started getting the normal groceries. "Mmmm...spaghetti! And tacos, and burgers, and stoganoff!" "Spaghetti, tacos, burgers and stroganoff? That sounds great. We need three more...hmmm..." I thought about three other meals as I got all of the ingredients and some snacks. I ended up getting stuff for mac and cheese, bagel pizzas and quesadillas. "Alright, since you've been good lets get you a piece of candy" I smile at her as she gets all excited. While we're im the candy isle, I can't shake the feeling that we're being watched. I 'casually' look around to see if someone is staring at us. I see a man dressed in all black, taking pictures. When we make eye contact he vanished into the crowd. I get scared and gently grab Willows hand. "Why don't we choose a candy by the register, ok sweetie?" I say as I get her back into the seat. "Okay" She said, unaware to the potential danger of the man. I quickly went into a line, and started putting the groceries onto the conveyor and I let Willow get a candy she wanted. I paid with Mr Radke's card and held Willow in my arms as I pushed the cart towards the car and putting her in her carseat, then putting the groceries away. I get in the car and take a moment to decide, staring at my phone as I debate on calling Mr Radke. Taking a deep breath, I decide against it and continue with the day. "Alright Willow, how about we go and get some food?" I glance at her from the rearview mirror. "Yayy! Can we go to McDonalds?" she asks, doing her best puppy eyes. Chuckling, I nod. "Yea, we can go to McDonalds. I make a detour and go to McDonalds, getting Willow out of the car and taking her inside McDonalds. I order us food and we go sit in the play area, so she can play after we eat. While she's playing, I keep an eye on her, just to be safe. Although a flash outside catches my eye. I look out the windows and see a large group of paparazzi taking photos of us. I realize whats going on and quickly call Willow. I carry her and keep her head in my shoulder so they can't take pictures of her face. At first, I figure I could just walk to the car but once I exited they swarmed us and were shouting loudly at us with multiple questions, ranging from if I was Ronnies new one night stand to if Willow was actually my child from an affair. Getting overwhelmed and being shoved continuously, I run to the next store over and hide in a bathroom stall, locking the door. I quickly call Ronnie. "Ronnie?" I quickly ask, trying to figure out a way to escape the mob of photographers. "Hey whats wrong?" he asks quickly. "Theres a group of paparazzi and I don't know how they found us but they got photos of us, and I don't know if they took any of Willows face but I can't leave the store without getting rushed by them. They swarmed me when I left, and I hid Willows face in my shoulder but they were shouting at us and they kept pushing us around and obviously she's scared so I hid in a bathroom at a nearby store-" I quickly say, trying to hide from them. "They what?! Stay there, I'm on my way." He said angrily, hanging up the phone. While I sat on the floor of the bathroom, I comforted Willow and kept her distracted with a game. After awhile of trying to calm myself down, I hear shouting outside the door, and then a knocking on the door. "Evelyn? Its me, Ronnie. I'm here to take you guys home" Ronnie said from the door, though muffled. I unlock the door and see him standing there with a hoodie and sunglasses in his hand. "Thank god you're here Ronnie" I whispered happily. "Here, put these on, put the hood on and keep your head down" he says. I nod and set Willow down, facing away from the windows and I put them on, putting the hoodie over my head and picking Willow up again. "Hold onto my arm and don't let go, I'm taking you two home." I grabbed his arm and held Willow close, as he guided us to a car and helped us get in, while his security guards kept the paparazzi away from us. Once Willow and I were in his car, we could hear him yellong at the group but I tuned it all out, feeling anxious and almost sick from the whole ordeal. A couple minutes later, Ronnie entered the car and started driving away. "I'm having security drive your car back with the groceries and they can put it away for us tonight. Are you okay?" he glanced at me worriedly. "Yeah...yeah I'm-I'm fine, just wasn't expecting that." I didn't make eye contact, I knew if I did I would tear up from the experience. "What kind of questions did they ask you?" He inquired after awhile. "Just about our relationship, like if we were...yknow...together in a way, and if Willow was my daughter from an affair with you. Stupid stuff like that" I said quickly, almost nervous of what he would say since he's my employer. "I can't believe them. I'm so sorry, I'll say something to the media later about this" he started saying, but I quickly told him it was fine. Although he didn't seem to happy at having to stay quiet, he respected my wishes. Quickly after that, we areived at the house and I brought Willow inside to get her ready for her afternoon nap. Once that was done, I went to work on the design work I had almost finished yesterday, but for some reason I couldn't shake off the feeling from the events prior. Ronnie must've noticed because not long after, he came over with a cup of tea and gently patted my shoulder. "Why don't you relax the rest of the day, and rest. I'll take care of any other tasks and dinner, you had a rough day and you need to rest." Thinking for a moment, I took him up on that offer, knowing I was no help in this state. I quietly thanked him, then excused myself to my room, taking the tea with me. Maybe it will get easier soon, especially with Ronnie- I mean Mr Radke by my side.

And thats chapter 2 done!! If any of it is confusing, please ask and I'll explain! I'm
kind of just coming up with this as I go, and I know I'll definitely have to edit this sometime in the future, if I do continue this seriously.
If anyone does read this, thank you it means a lot!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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