Chapter 25: Arackniss's Arrival

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Never thought I'd actually see this day come...Farewell Angel, guess you're a real angel now…' Charlie sighed sadly, crossing Angel Dust's name off of the patron list with a heavy heart. He
wasn't coming back to hell, meaning they could check him off their records.

With Valentino's demise, Angel was free to go and was finally allowed to ascend. Charlie had Vox in his room, recovering from his injuries, allowing him to rest.

Despite getting what she wanted, she couldn't help but feel a bitter-sweet taste in her mouth.

Sure, the hotel worked, much to the disbelief and doubt of literally all of hell, but now, the hard part of saying goodbye was something she still hadn't swallowed. She hadn't prepared for the moment where she would have to let the sinners she redeemed go and ascend, leaving her behind in Hell.

At least now, no one could doubt her plan with Angel's rise to heaven being recent news that was flying all over hell.

"I'm gonna miss him…"

"You're not the only one," Vaggie informed,"Everyone's upset, even Alastor is a bit down about his may have been annoying, but now that he's gone, the hotel feels sort of empty without him."

"I know...I just never thought it'd be like this when a sinner actually got redeemed. Now that he's gone, I don't know how to feel. I'm happy for him and I know that he's better off up there, but I can't help but feel down knowing the same will happen to the rest of you guys."

What do you mean?"

"You'll go up there too Vaggie, eventually...Then, we'll never see each other again, because as much as I'd love to go to heaven, I doubt my Dad would let me step foot up there…"

"Which is why we should focus on the time we have. We still have a couple years, who's to say when any of us will matters is that Anthony is happy and that he's in a better place, which is the entire goal, right?"

"Yeah, I'm just gonna miss him. But I know he's gonna be happy up there…"

Suddenly, Vaggie and Charlie heard the door being knocked on.


"Whose that?"

"Don't know. Perhaps another customer!" Charlie approached the door, opening it,"Hello?" She looked around, not seeing anyone at first."Hm?"

"Down here." She tilted her head, seeing a short spider demon who was at least up to her chest in height. He looked like Angel Dust, having similar facial structure and hair that was just more messy than Angel Dust, but his body was more like a bean pole and lacked the bust Angel acquired during hell.

He also had black fur and red eyes, the primary ones being larger. Angel's eyes were easily mistaken for freckles, but he was visible and plain to see, just slightly smaller than the two eyes he used. He had a black suit with baggy yellow pants with thin legs and small feet.

"Huh? Who are you? You remind me of someone, but I know you're not him…."

I'm Arackniss...Angel's older brother."

"Angel had an older brother?" Vaggie asked.

"Lemme guess, he never talked about me did he? Probably forgot about me…"

"Hey, hey, let's not get antsy. Angel probably just never got around to talking about you before he left…"

"He had enough time to get you to rip his contract with Valentino in half, befriend you and your lot, become hell's top fashion designer and you're telling me he didn't have time to talk about me? BS."

"Maybe there just wasn't the right time to bring you up?" Charlie suggested.

"Tch. Excuses, excuses. That's what I'm hearing…"

"Look, did you come here to tell us about how you're spiteful or what? You can't seriously just be here because of spite…"

"I'm here to sign up for your hotel…"

"Why? You don't seem enthusiastic…" Even compared to Angel, Arackniss looked like he didn't want to be here.

"I couldn't care less about redeeming myself, but Angel left without me and I don't have too many people left to associate family wise another than my father and he's….rough."

"So basically you want to catch up with your brother?"

Yes. We aren't close, but now that Angel on another plane of existence doesn't sit well with me. If he thinks he can just walk away to some land of rainbows and candy and leave me in the dust without saying goodbye, he has another thing coming. Also, my father kinda disowned me so I need a place to live."

"Why'd he disown you?"

"You know, I suggested maybe checking this place out so we can catch up with Angel, he kinda kicked me out so I don't have anywhere else to go and I'd rather not get shot going back."

"Geez, that's rough. Don't worry, Arackniss, you're welcome to come here! The happy hotel welcomes regular sinners and overlords alike! Until you're redeemed, we're gonna help you through your bad habits. You have an entire year and more, and trust me, you'll be safe here!"

"Err...Thanks I guess…"

"Come on Vaggie, we gotta show Arackniss to the others!" She grabbed Arackniss's hand.

He hissed,"Watch it! No touching!"

"Oh sorry…Come inside, you gotta meet the others."

Everyone was in the main room,doing their jobs. Charlie shouted,"Hey guys, we have a new patron! Angel Dust's brother wants to join him in heaven, so he signed up for our hotel! Arackniss, this is Husk,Niffty, Alastor, and Cherri Bomb! They're gonna be your neighbors for the time being!"

"Hello. It's not a pleasure to meet you."

"He ain't as lively as Angel," Husk said.

Hey, we can't expect people to be like their siblings! I may be an only child, but I say it's ridiculous to expect someone to be like their relative! Also, he said that he and Angel aren't very close…"

"So you're coming here to try and restore the relationship?" Cherri asked.

"Tch, sort of. I just don't feel too good about Angel frolicking with cherubs while I'm stuck in this hellhole with my asshole dad who fucking disowned me. I'm gonna be staying here for a while so I hope you people don't mind because I don't care."

"Don't worry!" Niffty said,"We're welcoming you with open arms! I'm sure Angel will be thrilled to have you in heaven with him!"

Alastor narrowed his eyes,"You're no Angel Dust, but I'm sure you'll be entertained one way or another!"

'Oh great, the radio psycho cannibal thinks I'm entertaining…' Arackniss scowled."I'm not as fun as my brother, so don't count on it."

"Even if you're not, you're still welcomed into our hotel!"

Arackniss shrugged,"Thanks I guess…" He didn't believe in this redemption thing, but if Angel got to heaven, he was certain it was going to be worth something. Besides, he had to live somewhere else since his Father kicked him out.

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