Just this once

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I wrote this while listening to pretty boy by tv girl soooooo ^_^

Freminet had traveled to Liyue with his two siblings for a magic show. The three siblings had found a nice hotel to stay at, Lyney was more than happy to be in Liyue.. but Freminet was happier. When Freminet was thirteen he had visited Liyue with his siblings to see lantern rite, Freminet was hesitant to be there but Lyney was more than ecstatic. Freminet had walked up and down the railings of the main line of Liyue harbor trying to ignore the burning feeling of fear prickling at his skin. He wasn't used to this many people being around him all at once. Every few seconds someone would bump into his shoulder or he would almost get run over by someone running around. Freminet's mind raced as his legs grew far too warm, making them weak as he was way to aware of his knees almost buckling. He slowly walked around, looking for somewhere, anywhere to hide. The festival had begun around fifteen minutes ago and there were many lanterns floating through the sky. He looked at the sky as he walked, needing to find somewhere to get away to.

After around five more minutes of walking he found himself under the upper deck of Liyue, the very few stalls set up. It was quiet, the water flowed happily against the long poles holding up the deck. He slowly sat down at the edge, his feet hanging just above the water as he sat there, his body shaken a little but the feeling that was similar to him eating a cactus was finally beginning to go away, he ran his hands along The decks and just, sat there, calm, peaceful, and free from the chaos of everything above him. He heard the footsteps of others walking past him quickly, but one set stopped right behind him, he slowly moved his head up to look at the odd person behind him. He met their eyes, their surprisingly beautifully lit brown eyes with lashes that framed them just perfectly. His smiles so sweet and caring curled at the corners and inward forming dimples, tanner skin with hair that was held back in a headband that didn't stop but the brown and red hair from falling in front of his face. The boy was beautiful. He radiated friendliness as Freminet gripped the docks, realizing he was gonna have to speak to this.. brown hair boy.

The brown haired male sat down next to him on the deck and smiled, he looked around 13-14, Freminet age. His feet dangled and kicked, eyes just perfectly lit by the red hue of the lanterns floating through the air.

"Hi.. you're not from here are you? You look quite different from everyone else, you look super dope though! I like your outfit, it looks comfy but proper at the same..." Freminet stared at the boy, a little in awe and a little in shock. He watched as the boy rambled, he really did talk a lot.. though Freminet found his voice quiet.. he wasn't sure what to call it, it was so sweet it was bitter, so bouncy and free but so kind at the same time. "Oh! Sorry.. I talk a lot don't I.. hehe, well I thought you looked cool and wanted to know if you'd wanna be my friend..?" he smiles sickeningly sweet at Freminet as he tilted his head a little. Freminet's face immediately grew pink as he realized he was genuinely going to have to speak to him. Freminet was never exactly the friend type, never hanging out and spending most of his time along with pers, his only true friend. Freminets heart raced as he looked back at the boy, who awaited a response, he couldn't just say no? So there was only one thing he could do..

"U-uhm... sure..? And thank you...." Freminet twisted and moved his fingers awkwardly as he turned away, hiding his face feeling embarrassed already.

"Dope! So where are you from? Cause it's definitely not here! Not saying anything mean you just look beauti- nice! I really like your... what's that!" The brunette pointed at pers all to happily, Freminet was truly surprised he was so interested in him.

"O-oh well... I'm from Fontaine.. and uhm.. this is Pers...." he responded quietly, barely audible over the sounds of everyone else, especially with his head turned away like how he was too embarrassed with his feelings to look the boy in the eyes.

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