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As Y/N's shift approaches,  she's close to falling asleep. A familiar skinny, tall figure walks through the door, the small bell at the top ringing as his cockney accent catches her attention.

"N/N! It's been a while, how've ya been?!" The bright haired Brit exclaims loudly with a smug grin, receiving a few glances from the 'normal' customers dining in.

"Mute your mic, Jagger. You're in public.." She scolds him lightly, not amused by him AT ALL.

Just as Jagger was about to speak again, another boisterous voice came from the door, A long haired brunette steps into the pastry shop.

"JAGGER I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD IF YOU DO THAT EVER AGAIN IM GOING TO KILL YOU IN THE MOST GRUESOME AND EXCRUCIATING WAY POSSIBLE." The man screams all up in the skinnier Brit's face and yet, Jagger kept the same conceited look on his face.

The goth sighs and looks at the clock as the redhead and brunette go back and forth, which just makes them receive more stares.

Five more minutes till her shift ends

"I'm going to have to ask you both to leave. Please and thank you." Y/N says, pointing to the door, displeased by the current situation at hand.

The two stop and slowly turn to look at her before they both start speaking at the same time, their words getting all jumbled.

"Come on N/N, you can't just kick us out like that." 

"We are your best friends, aren't we?"

"If this is about that guy I called the big bad F-slur, I didn't mean it," Jagger says unexpectedly.

The brunette slowly turns his head to look at the punk. "Jagger. What the actual fuck are you talking about? You called someone the fucking F-slur."

"Ace, To be fair. He looked like a fa-" 

"Okay, that's enough. get out." The goth cuts him off, not wanting any more stares, she already gets enough of those at school.

The two look at her and open their mouths to speak but she cuts them off again. "No buts. I'll be out in like 5 minutes, I'm about to get off my shift." She says pointing to the clock.

The two want to argue, and you can tell, but they don't. They turn around and walk away. This lets her (finally) get back to work

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