Nø Answers

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John breathed heavily as he bit down on his translucent mouth-guard. On the other side of the sparring ring stood Daniel, sweat and bruises covering his arms and shirt. The open air sparring room looked out to the lake that sat next to the Phantoms HQ. The cool morning jungle air filled the room as John closed the distance between him and Daniel, raising his hands to his face as Daniel looked to swing.

John stepped to the left, avoiding the quick punch from Daniel. He pulled his left arm back before taking a shot at Daniel's head, connecting the blow quickly while almost immediately swinging around to face Daniel's back. His colleague took the shot to their head and spun around to face John. Daniel shook his head to shake off the blow. John took his gloved right fist and pounded it against his right pectoral, grinning.

Standing above the fighting men was Amber, leaning over the railing of a long balcony that ran around the perimeter of the sparring room. She stood silently, relaxed as her morning had been going smoothly. The glass sliding door behind Amber opened, revealing her father. Stone crossed his arms and stood to the left of his daughter, observing the young men as they fought.

Stone: "How's he doing?"

Amber watched John's footwork while remembering the mission from the other night.

"John? He's doing well. Still getting headaches from the surgery though. Dr. Osbourne said that they would pass soon, but John thinks otherwise since they happen after every mission"

Meanwhile down below John was stuck in his own world, finishing his fight.

Stone: "So I assume the treatments are working as intended?"

Amber nodded.

"After this John has a checkup with Dr. Osbourne. She's been helping him with his headaches and other issues"

John walked to the center of the sparring ring and met with Daniel. They both removed their protective headgears and gave a fist bump. They both walked tiredly to the locker room. Amber glanced to her father as the pair of tired men walked farther and farther away.

Amber: "I hope this fully works out..."

Stone stood next to his daughter and leaned his back against the railing, crossing his arms.

Stone: "I do too. He's a good kid and someone we can't afford to lose"

Amber stared at the sparring ring mat that dots of sweat and footmarks all over it.

"He hasn't remembered anything yet, so that's a good sign at least"

Stone nodded.

Stone: "It will take time for him to recover. Though it would be great if he recovered a little faster. But we don't have control over that"

Stone pulled himself from the railing and softly patted his daughter on the back.

Stone: "Keep doing what you're doing and let John and Dr. Osbourne figure out his pain issues"

Amber nodded.

"Will do..."

Stone walked back through the door he had come from, leaving Amber alone once again. Nearly forty-five minutes passed before John stepped out of the locker room, wearing new clothes and his hair wet from the shower he had taken. The young man left the training facility and made his way outside. Straight ahead stood the Science & Medicine building. Entering the building, John walked down the familiar white halls. He stopped before the door of Dr. Osbourne's office and knocked. A few seconds passed before the door opened with a click.

The door opened, revealing Dr. Osbourne. She wore her lab coat and smart-glasses. She gave a friendly smile as John appeared in the doorway.

Osbourne: "Hello John"

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