Chapter 3 : In Pursuit Of Dreams

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A few day's passed.

It was night, and the soft glow of the moonlight filled Mahnoor's room. She was sitting at her study table, surrounded by open books. Her gaze drifted out the window, where the moon cast its gentle light upon the world below.


Mahnoor and Haya rode home together after a long day at university, the quiet hum of the car filled the silence between them.

"I think he likes you," Haya suddenly spoke up, breaking the silence.

Mahnoor turned to her friend, a sceptical expression was there on her face. "How can you know what's going on in his mind? Do you have some sort of superpower that lets you read his thought?" she teased.

Haya chuckled, shaking her head. "No, I had been noticing it from all these days, didn't you notice the way he is always looking at you? It is pretty obvious," she insisted.

"You know, he's always looking for an opportunity to talk to you," Haya continued, her tone earnest.

She remained silent, her thoughts were swirled in turmoil as Haya's question hung in the air.

"Tell me something honestly," Haya pressed, her voice was gentle yet insistent.

"What?" Mahnoor replied, her voice was barely above a whisper.

"Do you also like him?" Haya asked.

*Flashback ends*

Mahnoor felt a wave of confusion wash over her. Did Zaid really like her? The question lingered in her mind, which swirled amidst a sea of uncertainty.

Her attempts to study were futile as her thoughts remained consumed by Zaid's piercing gaze. Despite her best efforts to focus, his eyes seemed to follow her every move, a constant presence in her mind.

Unable to shake the feeling of unease, Mahnoor closed her books, her mind was too preoccupied to concentrate on her studies. She sat in the quiet of her room, which was bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, she couldn't help but wonder about the enigmatic boy who had captured her attention.

Do you also like him?

Haya's question lingered in her mind which casted a shadow over her thoughts.

"Do I like him?" she pondered silently, she felt the weight of uncertainty settle upon her.

But as quickly as the question arose, Mahnoor pushed it aside, her determination was resolute. "No," she decided firmly. "I shouldn't think about it. My focus should be on my studies and my career. Love is just a distraction-a detour from the path to my goals."

With a resolute shake of her head, Mahnoor turned her attention back to her books, she buried herself in her studies as she resolved to keep her mind firmly fixed on her ambitions. Love, she decided, could wait. She has dreams to chase and goals to achieve, and she was determined not to let anything-especially matters of the heart-stand in her way.

She had always been this way-a bookish girl, with her nose buried in textbooks and her mind consumed by dreams of the future.

Her aspirations were clear and unwavering: she dreamt of building a successful career, of starting her own company, of forging a path to independence and self-sufficiency. For Mahnoor, the pursuit of knowledge and the pursuit of her ambitions were one and the same. She thrived on the thrill of learning, on the challenge of pushing herself to new heights, and on the promise of a future where she could chart her own course and make her mark on the world.

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