Dark Chapter 4.

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Chapter 4.

"Hello, Beautiful."

When I didn't move, Niall grabbed my forearm and leaned down to kiss me. I hastily turned my head to the side, his thin lips making contact with my cheek instead of his intended target. He pulled away, a smile tugging at his lips. His eyes burnt into mine until my head dropped, my fingers fiddling with the strap of my bag.

"Come on."

I reluctantly stepped outside, turning to close the front door and lock it. I had only just placed the keys in my bag when Niall's fingers entwined with mine. His large hand was warm, if I didn't feel so threatened by him, the touch would have comforted me. We crossed the road to where the intimidating black vehicle was parked. The passenger door was yanked open and Niall peered down at me expectantly.

"Hop in love."

I complied, my breath trembling out as he slammed the door behind him. My head turned, looking at the interior of the car. It was surprisingly clean for a guy. I watched as he jogged around the front to get to the driver's seat. His tall frame easily climbing into the vehicle before he abruptly shut the door. It frightened me that I was now alone with him.

"Don't look so nervous Bo." Niall smirked.

His bleu orbs lingered on me for a few seconds before he reached around to his seatbelt, strapping himself in. I did the same, my eyes landing back on Niall as he swiftly turned on the ignition and shifted the car into reverse. He grinned at me, winking before pulling out of the space and onto the road.

I noticed his blazer sleeves were pushed up his strong forearms as he tightly gripped he steering wheel. He swept some hair from his face, clearing his vision to see the cars speeding past on the junction. I found myself staring at his face until his lips curved into a smile and I knew I'd been caught. My head dipped down to pick at my finger nails as a blush crept onto m cheeks.

"How old are you?" I asked quietly.

I glanced up at his face. He turned to me for a second before looking back out the windscreen.



The rest of the ride was pretty quiet, I spent the time looking out my window. The sun was slowly fading in the sky as we pulled into a car park. I jumped back into the seat as Niall placed his hand on my knee, but I stopped him before he could move it any higher. He deeply chuckled, then withdrew his touch.

"We're here."

I unbuckled my seatbelt, and reached for the handle. My eyes widened when I realised i was locked. I had to wait for Niall to open my door from the outside. I shivered a little at the thought of being locked in with him. I couldn't help but shy away from his touch as he helped me down from the car. A reaction which didn't go unnoticed by Niall.

I tugged my jacket tighter to my body as the wind whipped around. I was pulled under one of Niall's strong arms as he guided me to the path. I took in a deep breath, the smell k the sea filling my senses. We turned a corner and I realised we were at the harbour. My eyes flicked from one boat to another, all of them moored up to the dock.

We continued to walk along the promenade, a railing being the only barrier separating us from the deep water. We stopped outside a restaurant, Niall removed his arm from my shoulder and roughly spun me around to face him. I gasped as his long fingers pushed my hair away from my neck. His mouth held a smirk, his fingertips brushing over the fading mark that was still visible on my neck.

"Mmmm, maybe I should give you another one. Just to make sure everyone knows you're mine." He whispered in his Irish accent.


I began to bak away but he caught my wrist before tugging me in him.

"Maybe later." He smirked.


Niall gave his name to the man at the front of the restaurant, before we were led to a table towards the back. I had a horrible feeling Niall had asked to be placed here, so we were more hidden. I sat opposite him at the small table, shrugging off my jacket and placing it at the back of the chair. The waitress handed us our menus before taking our drink orders and hurrying off.

Niall scanned over the list of meals on offer, not looking up as I bent down to my bag and pulled out my phone. I held the menu up in front of me, hiding myself as I opened the text.

From: Zoe

"How is it going? Are you alright? Xx"

I was about to reply when my shield was pulled down to the table. I quickly shoved my phone into my bag before looking up to meet Niall's dark gaze. He decided not to mention my phone and asked what I wanted instead.

"I'm not hungry." I bluntly replied.

"Pick or I'll pick for you." His tone holding a hint of annoyance.

I stayed silent as he called the waitress over. Her ponytail swayed as she rushed over to our table, quickly scribbling down our order.

"Can I get you anything else?" She asked politely.

Her eyes landing hesitantly on Niall's before quickly diverting her gaze to mine. I could tell she felt on edge around him. She gave me a sympathetic look, almost as if she knew I was here against my will.

"No thank you." I smiled.

Then we were left alone. Niall tilted his head slightly to the side, his eyes locking onto my face.

"Do I frighten you?"

I was about to say that it was pretty a pretty stupid question, but I stopped myself. I didn't really want to tell him he scared the crap out of me. I'm sure he would have used the information to his already strong advantage. Although I don't see how he couldn't have realised the intimidating effect on me.

My silence was all the conformation he needed. He showed of his clear braces as he smiled at me. Niall's hand was about to reach towards me when the waitress came back with our drinks. I thanked her for the water, mentally praising her for interrupting us. All too soon she had walked away and I was left alone with Niall again. I felt uncomfortable as his eyes rested on my face.

"Has anyone ever touched you before?"

"W-what?" I asked in confusion.

He didn't say anything, but I gasped upon feeling his hand on my knee under the square table. He chuckled at my reaction before swiftly getting up. It surprised me when he pushed his chair around to sit on the side of the table, to the right of me. His hand hand immediately went back to it's previous position. My breath hitched in my throat as his touch slid slowly up my thigh, my body was frozen. Niall intently watched as my chest sharply rose up and down. Thanked God I didn't decide to wear a dress, who knows where his hands could've reached. When his fingers skimmed my crotch, I abruptly shot up. My chair screeched against the floor as I pushed it back.

"I-I need to pee." I gushed.

I heard him deeply laugh as I quickly walked towards the toilets. I didn't have time to pick up my bag, I just wanted to get away.

"Don't be too long." Niall called behind me.


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