Chapter 2 knowing him

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As I walked home, I started to overthink things as I usually tend to-do. Divorced, ex-coworker? What wasn't Chad telling me? I've never seen him so protective of me. This new information was giving me a head spin, and I knew it would be keeping me up tonight. Once I got home, my mind was still reeling about my little chat with Chad. I threw my bag and jacket on my bed, and out fell the little page Emmanuel had written his number down on. How do I message him knowing what I know now? Well, knowing little Chad has decided to tell me. But part of me wants to chat to him, get to know him a bit better. So many things ran through my mind as I added his number to my phone. But I wanted to give him the benefit of the drought and see what he had to say about things. But I couldn't just bring it up, I had to somehow bring it up in conversation, which is kinda hard to do since I get a kind of way when we talk. Well, maybe it would be different over text?



Hey, it's Aria from the coffee shop.

Hey Aria, how are you doing?

All good, I guess. Just thought I should pop you a message. So, you'd have my number. You know, just in case.

Lol, I have it saved now, don't worry. So how are things?

All good for now, I guess. Hey, since you're always asking about me, you mind me asking why a guy like you is single?

A guy like me?

Yeah, so don't avoid the question and tell me why you're single. And with the advice you gave you should at least have someone in your life.

Maybe it's because I had someone in my life, and it just didn't work out.

Do you guys break up?

Divorced, but that's what happens when you get married to young and you unsure of how you feel and hide your true feelings from your family and partner. You see, I wasn't really my wife's type. Hey, it's getting late to chat tomorrow.



Before I could even reply, Emmanuel had longed offline. But it might have been a good thing since I didn't have enough info to even question him on it. Come to think of it, I don't even have the right to question his past. However, what was now bugging me was the fact that he said he wasn't his wife's type. I need to hear what Chad has to say first for myself before I hear what Emmanuel has to say. I'm not the type to judge someone on possible gossip. Well, I try not to.

The next morning, I woke up to a text from Chad.


Chad Work

Hey, I'll come in early to talk. If you want to know what I know,I suggest you do too.


I rushed out of bed, almost tripping over my bag and jacket I left in the middle of the floor. I rush to the shop to find Chad waiting for me. "Let's go in, set up, and I'll tell you what I know." He said as he removed his hood to rush his hair back and put on his favorite p-cap. I walked in as Chad locked behind me. "Man, where to start when it comes to that Ass." "The beginning Chad starts at the beginning, please." "Well it starts with my cousin. She used to work at Media TV, which until today she regrets. You see, she made the mistake by falling for a coworker, something that her father warned her not to do. She didn't listen, and when reality hit, it hit hard. The fallout was so bad that she didn't just change jobs but move away. She knew she would be weakened by him if ever she were to see him again." "Chad you're speaking in riddles. Just be straight with me, please." He grabbed a cloth to start whipping off the tables, but he first looked me in my eyes, glanced at the tables. "My cousin fell in love with Emanuele. She wasn't intending on dating anyone at work, but he procured her. He made her feel special, she felt safe with him and no matter how many times she said she would never date someone from her work he kept procuring her until she fell, until she couldn't resist him anymore. She loved him so much and introduced him to the family and everything. Then one day she came running into the shop, eyes filled with tears so much so she could even speak, she was devastated. Once I got her to calm down or at least to a point where I could understand her, she told me that she found out that Emanuele was married and it killed her that almost everyone knew this and no one told her. They all spoke about my cousin behind her back instead of telling her what she didn't know. I got so angry I was ready to kick his ass, but she begged me not to. She said she was planning to leave, even asking me to ask O'Malley for a job in the meantime until she found something better. I wanted her out of that place, but I couldn't let her work here. Aria, both you and I know this place is hard to escape, and I understand you wanting something else, but I couldn't stand by and let you work there with him." Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and the rest of the kitchen staff had arrived. Chad went to open the door for them and closed behind them. He waited until they went to the back to start up everything. "Chad what happened after she spoke to you." "She handed in her resignation, but the company wanted her to finish off after a month to give them time to find someone to replace her. She agreed, but a week later, she found herself in a situation that completely broke her." It was 9am and time to open the shop. I opened and followed Chad behind the counter. "Chad stay in front. I need to hear the rest, please." He nodded his head and moved to the front to keep busy. "Well somehow his wife found out about her, and Emanuele made such a scene in front of everyone asking my cousin how she could sleep with a married man, not just that she was pregnant." "Wait your cousin was pregnant." "No, his wife was. My cousin was broken after that. Packed her bags and disappeared. Our family only hears from her occasionally a short phone call to say she's okay, but I haven't seen her since. last I heard, he got divorced, but he is still dangerous. I can't tell you what to do, Aria. I can only warn you. So please keep what happened to her in mind." Chad looked heartbroken. I wanted to hug him so badly, but just as I was about to walk toward him, customers came in, and he went to the kitchen. I now needed to hear Emmanuel's side of the story before I could completely write him off.

The day dragged on as if we were in a slow loop. I kept checking my phone to see if Emmanuel had texted me yet, but nothing. It was complete radio silence. Collin didn't even pop in for his usual order. I did understand, but it looked like I was at the start of being ghosted. Finally, it was time to lock up, and there was still no sign of Emmanuel or Collin. I couldn't wait to just lock up and leave this day behind me. Just as the kitchen staff left, I heard the little ball ring, Chad had come to the shop. "Hey, do you want me to stay and help you clean up and lock up?" he asked, popping his head in. "Hey, no, it's fine I'm good. I'm waiting for my brother to pick me up anyway." Chad smiled, nodded his head, and walked off, and I locked up. Not too long after that, I heard a knock on the door. I grabbed my bag as I shouted, "I'M COMING." Thinking it was my brother, I switched off the lights. "you're early" I said as I opened the door. "You!" I said, realizing who it was. But before I could do or say anything else, he had grabbed my face, pushing back into the shop, kissing me as if it was forbidden to him. I felt a rush come over my body as I found myself kissing him back and wrapping my legs around his weight as he lifted me onto the counter. Suddenly, the tip jar fell, and I pushed him away. I jumped off the count "NO Emmanuel, we can't, I can't, you have to go." "Aria I'm sorry, but I don't regret what just happened. You've been on my mind the whole day." He said as he brushed his hair back and walked toward me. "I really can't, and you have to go." My body wanted so badly to be grabbed again, but I knew I couldn't. I walked toward the door and opened it as I said. "You have to leave and never do that again. Please go." He gave off this confident smirk and walked out. But before I could close, he stole one last kiss from me. "Your lips are saying one thing but your body, your body is asking for more." He walked off toward a black car, got in, and drove off.

He left me breathless. He ...

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