#3 - Fundamental Questions

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After the first night at in the competition, Alex was starting to get a hang of it as he woke up at around 7:30, and began doing his normal routine. After a nice morning shower, he got dressed up in a sports uniform that the camp provided which was a pair of blue shorts, and a white T-shirt with blue rims. It was like those sports uniform he read in a manga or saw in an anime. Although he had never worn it, he kind of liked it from its comfortability.

As he casually waited for other people in the living room, he began looking around it. He saw many books he potentially liked, and some boardgames to play with other people. Although he had his phone with him, it would just be boring to be on the phone all day. Soon, more and more players were ready, and came into the shared living room.

At around 8:30 am, everyone was ready, and that was when they were called to have their breakfast. As they were eating breakfast, they met Hannah and Lily again in pretty much their same uniform. After they had finished eating, Hannah then informed them about the first actual game, and told them to meet at backstage's waiting room at 10 am.

Since it was just around a little past 9 when they finished eating breakfast, the students decided to wait in their dorms for another 40 minutes before they came back to the dining room to wait. Soon enough, a boy staff came to guide them to the waiting room backstage which was a short walk from the dining room. After 10 minutes of nervously waiting, Hannah and Lily came into the room to guide the students onto the stage.

After they all were onto the stage, they were guided to their respective colored pedestals. As they looked out onto the audiences, there were fewer people since it was still morning, but the filming crew was all set. Rather being nervous at the live audience, the students were more nervous over the broadcast. After the stage was set, everyone got into place to start the game.

"Hello, welcome back to our first real game of the show!", Hannah exclaimed. "She's Hannah and I'm Lily, if you've already forgotten.", Lily added with a playful sound. "Well, Hannah. This will be the first game with real strikes for our teams, so what will they be competing in?", Lily spoke to the audiences before turning to Hannah. "Well, for the first game, we'll be checking the students knowledge. Since they're already in highschool, they should probably know everything from grade 1-8 already.", Hannah gave the clue about the game which everyone already knew. "Yeah, so we'll be asking you a dozen questions about what you've learned in elementary and middle school, and to make it easier, they all are multiple choices. If you get it right, you score a point, else you get a nasty surprise just like yesterday. Also, the two teams with the least amount of points get their first strike!", Lily explained the rules of the game. Now, it was obvious that they'll be playing another quiz game, and Alex and Amelia were quite confident about their knowledge.

"Alright, let's start!", said Hannah before reading out the first question. "What is the largest ocean in the world?", Hannah read out as the choices and question appeared on the screen. Of course, they chose the Pacific ocean, earning themselves a point. Thankfully, no one got that wrong, or that would be one of the most embarrassing lost yet.

In the first 2-3 questions, no one got it wrong since it was 3rd grade knowledge. But question 4 might separate the scores a bit. The 4th question asked, "What is 5 + 6 × 4 + 1 - 19?" The students then scrambled to compute their answer on a board before the time runs out. '11' was Alex and Amelia's chosen answer, but unfortunately some other teams got it wrong. The Redwood and Little Wood team mistakenly answered '26' which made them fall behind by a point. Suddenly, a set of canon in front of them blasted out thick fluffy whipped cream onto them, covering everything from their hair to their chests in a creamy mess. As they wiped the cream off their eyes, it reminded them of yesterday, but there was more cream.

Luckily, no one got question 5 wrong, but Redwood and Silver Leafs highschool got the 6th one wrong, which gave them another wave of whipped cream to their faces. The things got spicy on the 7th question which was, "What's the longest river in the USA?" The choices especially made it harder when there were both 'Missouri River' and 'Mississippi River' on the choices. As the students frantically decide their answer, time was running out, and everyone was both between those 2 choices. When the time ran out, the poll showed everyone had answered 'Mississippi River', except for Red Wood highschool who went with 'Missouri River'. Miraculously for the red team, everyone had gotten a blast of whipped cream right to their faces, except them. Everyone then frantically wiped the cream off their faces, especially Alex and Amelia, but the stickiness still remained on their bodies.

The next question was a biology question, but somehow everyone got it right. For the 9th question, it was computer related. The question was, "Which was invented the last?" The choices were computer, the internet, coding, and e-mail. Logically thinking, Alex quickly crossed out 'computer' and 'coding' as they needed to come first to make both the internet and e-mail. Now, it was a matter of guessing. Alex figured, since the e-mail uses internet, the internet must come first. Amelia, who also wasn't sure about this kind of thing went with Alex's guts, and their final answer was 'e-mail'. Unfortunately for them, the answer was the internet, so both of Alex and Amelia got another explosion of whipped cream to their faces. Who knew e-mail came 18 years before the internet, right?

Question 10 was a chemistry question that only Summer View highschool got wrong, which brought us to another hard question; question number 11. It was another math question, and this time, they got to solve a quadratic equation. As the students raced to solve the equation, and they got 2 answers just like expected. Coincidentally, everyone ended up answering the same, which was 0 and 4. Little did they know, the answer of 0 was invalid because the original had an x at the bottom, so ot was the first time every that every team answered incorrectly.

Since it was the 3rd mistake of them all, instead of getting blasted with cream again, it was more colorful this time. Suddenly, a constant stream of slightly thick opaque gunk of their respective colors then cascaded onto them, covering them all in one single color. Both Alex and Amelia were turned into a smurf which they weren't happy about. The worst part was the gunk had soaked them throughout, both their outerwear and underwear, making it more uncomfortable to live with than the whipped cream. Now, that their eyes could only be partially opened, it distracted their thinking.

Lastly, on the 12th question, both team Little Wood and Redwood were distracted by the gunk, making them press the wrong answer. "I guess another shower of gunk wouldn't bother ya.", said Lily as the miserable teams were having their body covered in a fresh layer of gunk. Then, the game officially ended with team Redwood and Little wood getting only 8 points while the rest got 9. That meant those two teams got their very first strike which they weren't proud about.

After that, the students were hosed down in the same room as yesterday before being sent to their dorms for a proper shower. Although the gunk was a little thick, and had stained their white shirts, it still washed off them easily, much to their relief. They then changed into their new sports uniform which was clean and comfortable. After that, the students chilled in their dorms for a bit before it was lunch time, and the time to announce the second challenge of the day...

Here is the first real moment of Alex and Amelia competing in an actual challenge. Of course, the sports uniform was before the blue gunk rained all over them.

 Of course, the sports uniform was before the blue gunk rained all over them

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End of Chapter 3

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