Chapter 1

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Ola's POV:

I was sitting on my balcony pondering on what I should write for my next story, Staring at the Eiffel Tower ahead watching it glisten in the sky. My cat Tobias jumped onto the balcony and walked across the rickety metal railing, I smiled at him and stroked his fur softly "Your such a silly cat Tobi" He leapt off the railing and onto my bed slumbering peacefully in the silky white sheets. My phone dinged which brought me out of my thoughts, I checked it only to find it was a text from my dearly beloved friend Maria.

Maria: Omg Ola you will not believe it, I just overheard that there is a spot open in this place called Rowans Book Writers you can publish your books there!.

My eyes lit up and my smile brightened, was my dream finally going to come true? Would I be able to be the Author I've always dreamt of?

Maria: buttt there's a problem.... It's in America like super far away and there's only 3 spots left.

The smile that appeared on my face was quickly washed away when I heard the last bit of news, how was I going to afford to get to America? And leave my cat behind? No way!

Ola: Seriously? Ugh! I've been dreaming of this forever! And now when I have my chance it's doomed!? I don't even have the money for a car let alone a flight to AMERICA!

Maria: You'll get the money we can both work hard for it and I'll take care of Tobias for you it'll be easy! Like slicing a piece of cake...that's stuck to the bottom of the tin...hard as a rock, but enough of that! We have got to get working!

Ola: Hold up where exactly is this place anyways?

Maria: In Hollywood! Maybe you'll be the world's greatest author who knows?

I rolled my eyes and stared into the horizon before answering

Ola: How will we get the money anyways?

Maria: By like neighbourhood jobs or something idk, Or! Or! We could work at the local Bakery they are always busy and need a lot of help and I heard their pay is really good.

Ola: Fine just let's do it tomorrow I've got a lot on my mind right now and dealing with all this will just make me crumble.

Maria: Ok! But remember tomorrow at 7 DONT be late.

Ola: Yea yea.

I shut my phone off and slumped into my chair, I groaned angrily and held my head in my hands  this is gonna be a longgg day   I set a timer on my phone and flopped onto my bed not bothering to get changed and slid myself under the covers, Tobias sprawled across me and yawned while a stroked his fur, what's stopping me from just giving up on all this writer bullshit? Everything really literally everything. I switched my lamp off and my eyes rested themselves before I slipped off into a deep dreamy sleep.

My alarm ringer loudly in my ears booming through the room, I sat up groggily and stretched my aching muscle before checking the time "Shit! It's already 8!" I quickly scrambled out of bed snatching random items from my closet before pulling them onto my body, I grab an apple from my kitchen and hurry out of my apartment running through the corridors.

I saw Maria waiting angrily for me outside of the apartment block as soon as she saw me she hastily grabbed my wrist and dragged me along.
"I've been waiting forever you gruffalo! We are late already this is not a good start to the job!" Maria stomped loudly through the streets as I followed her.

"I'm sorry! I set my alarm too late!" I explained to her but she just rolled her eyes and guided me into a busy but beautiful bakery.

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