Minor Detour

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While on your way back home from college you accidentally missed your stop by one and ended up in Wilmington.

As you waited for the next train, you noticed a guy who looked to be around your age.

Although you usually aren't attracted to white guys, you couldn't  help but look at him. He was tall, muscular, with short brown hair and sky blue eyes. It's then you notice he's having trouble moving an ice cream vending machine, which is super random...

Since the next train is an hour away you decide you'd rather call for a ride while waiting on Main Street, which isn't too far from the station

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Since the next train is an hour away you decide you'd rather call for a ride while waiting on Main Street, which isn't too far from the station. As you're passing by the handsome stranger you unintentionally cross his path, which cause him to lose his grip on the dolly. You watch as the vending machine crashes down, spilling dozens of frozen ice creams.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" You apologize as you help him pick up the ice cream.

"Jeez! Why weren't you looking where you're going?" He says.

You notice an older man, who resembles the young stranger angrily walking towards him.

"What the heck Tyler! That's money gone down the drain! How could you be so careless!" His father exclaims.

At you first you're embarrassed since it's high key your fault  but then you feel scared when you see Tyler glaring at you.

Oops this is bad....

You quickly pick yourself up, silently apologize, before briskly walk/running away.

Once you get on Main Street you walk over to the corner Whole Foods to buy a protein bar and yogurt to snack on as you wait for your ride.

I don't why I can't stop thinking about that guy...


Thank you for reading the first chapter!
Look forward to some juicy drama coming up

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