Chapter Ten

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Riding through these parts of kluna's streets made Magnus feel like he was seventeen again. Pretty young for a new soldier, but all his teachers said he was ready at the time. Looks like they were right, too. He now holds one of the highest titles possible, which was adorned on the spotless black uniform he now had tucked away in his bags. This was the very place he believed he could conquer all of the nation's enemies. Now, such a goal was finally within reach.

It wasn't long before kluna's military district started to show it's potency. The majority of people who passed by were all soldiers, either in uniform or not. While he couldn't recognize most, some started giving him quizzical glances as he rode by. He worked his way up to be a small celebrity in these parts, which is why donning traveler's attire was catching him so much attention. The entire outfit was loose fitting and comfortable-a red tunic partially covered by white robes. It was designed for freedom of movement and travel, depicting the rank of a mentor without conforming to all the strict regulations of genuine robes.

It didn't take long for him to reach the central office. It certainly wasn't as grand as the castle he just visited, but the building stood proud among the others nonetheless. Magnus rode up to the front door, taking a deep breath before dismounting his horse and stepping inside.

After a small foyer was one of the main offices of Evendal's military. The main room was almost entirely made up of polished wood. Chairs were perfectly lined along a circular table; a single man sitting at the other end, accompanied by a mountain and a half of papers. He rubbed his beard as he locked eyes with the soldier. "Magnus."

"Captain Randall. I'd like to discuss a couple things while I'm still around in kluna."

The captain rubbed his head. "You've been under my watch for a decade, and I've never once thought of you as a deserter."

Magnus raised his hands. "I'm not, you know that. Like I said to my platoon leader, something came up." That 'something' was news of Rin three days back. He had to practically beg his commander to let him go in the middle of his last deployment. "And before I forget," Magnus handed him his black uniform, folded the exact way he was taught for the past seventeen years. Randall just let out a stutter, mouth agape as he stared at the fabric. "I officially resign from my position as a soldier." It felt like he just gave away half of his life-and quite possibly his future as well.


"I'm picking up a pupil. This one's special.

Randall just shook his head. "You still have potential here. You'd be far more help to us here than training another mage. If this is about your wife-"

"It isn't. I'm serious, this is important to the nation. It was truly an honor to serve for as long as I have. I'll still be helping out, but in more...indirect ways."

Randall sighed. "I don't hand out this offer often. If you ever wish to come back, just let me know. And what about the rest in your platoon?"

"I'm sure they'll manage without me. I'll give my personal farewell when I return to town, but I'm in a bit of a hurry to be honest." Magnus nodded farewell as he left for the door. "I really am hesitant on leaving. I'll check in every now and then." He grinned. "Don't worry; I'll lend a hand if you ever really need it." And with that, he left back into town.

Magnus found Rin's horse by the inn he suggested to try. The inside was just as welcoming as he was hoping for- a large cafe at the entrance, paired with a nice owner. Just a minute later, he was knocking on Rin's door.

Magnus whistled. "This really isn't a bad place." It was a tad small for two residents, but he could hardly complain. A fire pit sat in the corner, as well as a dining table and two beds along the wall. "Made yourself at home yet?"

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