No One Hurts My Hyung.

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The end of dance practice. Finally.

Practice was brutal under Hobi's watchful eye. He wasn't all sunshine when it came to the team practicing their choreography. He would develop a whole new persona. A scary, intimidating judge. The members knew better than to mess up. Any time they did, their eyes went straight to their dance leader, praying he didn't see their mistake.

He always did.

He was tough on them but they all knew he was the expert and he was only ever trying to help.

What his members didn't know was that he had doubts. Not about his group, but about himself. He believed his group could only become as good as he could make them. They were doing great, but he wanted them to be more than great.

"I'm thinking of taking more private dance lessons." Hobi slung his backpack over his shoulder as they were all getting ready to leave.

"Why?" Taehyung asked. "You're already a pro, hyung."

"There's always room for improvement. I just want to learn new styles and things so I can then teach you guys. I want to go to new levels."

"That would be so cool, hyung!" Jimin patted Hobi's shoulder. "I'll support you no matter what you do. Just make sure to teach us everything you learn!"

Hobi stared at Jimin wondering if his dongsaeng was being serious. "Jimin-ah...that's the whole point...obviously I'd...never mind. Let's get home! It was a long practice."

Jungkook groaned. "Yeah, I wonder whose fault that is." He narrowed his eyes at Hobi as his hyung simply smiled at him and patted his cheek.

Namjoon, Jin, and Yoongi were already half way out the door, complaining about how if they didn't leave the studio right this very second they were all going to starve to death.


Hobi's private dance lessons started about a week later. His instructors name was Wan, a man the company had reached out to because he was a rather well known instructor who had worked with other people before.

The first practice wasn't the greatest. Wan told Hobi he was really bad and wouldn't even know he was a dancer if it weren't for the fact he was in a band. Although he said the band only does "silly little moves."

Wan made Hobi feel extremely inadequate and had him doubting himself even more. I didn't realize I was so bad. I must be, if such a prestigious instructor tells me I am. I guess I really have been doing the band a disservice this entire time.

As shitty as the instructor made Hobi feel, he kept it to himself. He didn't want the members to make a big deal out of it, but then Taehyung kept asking if he could take the classes with him.

"Erm...I don't know Tae." Hobi didn't want Taehyung to hear or see just how cruel Wan could be, and he felt like if Taehyung joined him in lessons, Wan would berate Taehyung too, and he knew his dongsaeng was way too sensitive to go through that. He didn't want to do anything that would ruin Taehyung's confidence as well.

Taehyung didn't understand why Hobi was saying no so he put up a small protest. Hobi caved and said he could come and watch but that was it. He hoped maybe with Taehyung at least watching the practice, Wan wouldn't be such an asshole to him all the time.

That was not the case.

Taehyung sat there and watched Hobi get screamed at while being told how much he sucked over and over by Wan. He couldn't take it anymore. He stood up and stood in front of his hyung, facing the instructor. "What the hell? Is this how you treat everyone you teach? Hobi hyung is an amazing dancer, who are you to tell him he's not?"

No One Hurts My Hyung [Taehyung Hurtfic]Where stories live. Discover now