The Call

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The sound of your laboured breathing echoed throughout the room, being the only thing that could be heard at that moment. Faint moonlight filtered through the blinds that sat next to your bed, illuminating your ruffled bedsheets which you were sat upright in.

The sound of the gunshot rang inside your mind, repeating over and over again.

Breathing in deeply, you sighed. It had been years since that incident, years since you resigned permanently from the military, years since you'd lost everyone you had loved.

And, you had recovered. You had accepted their deaths, you had comforted their families, you'd visit their graves monthly, you had moved on.

There was nothing you could've done, and... you had accepted that. Yet, thoughts about whether you could've changed their fates always plagued your mind in moments like this.

And damn were you thirsty.

Reluctantly shoving off your blanket, you begin to make your way to the kitchen, quickly grabbing your phone before so to check the time.

Cringing at the brightness of your phone, you groan in response at noticing how early it was. 3:12AM. 'I could've been sleeping right now,' you complained to yourself in your head, 'but no, I had to wake up because of a nightmare which I've seen too many times to count already.'

The sensation of the cold tiles hitting your bare feet reminded you of why you'd even decided to get out of your bed: Some good ol' water.

One of your old teammates used to berate anyone she'd noticed hadn't drunk in a while, always using the term "die-drate". The word quickly inserted itself into your thoughts and overall vocabulary after the countless amount of times she had lectured you.

You chuckled slightly at the memory. The woman in question, Kristen, wasn't a particularly close friend but was appreciated all the same. One may of even nicknamed her the 'Therapy Friend'.

Opening your cupboard, you grab the nearest glass cup before filling it with icey water from your tap. In all honesty, you weren't one to complain when it came to water. Bottled water, tap water, Fiji water- as long as it wasn't toxic and tasted like water? You were fine with it.

Downing the contents of the cup in one go, you let out a soft sigh of relief. At least your throat didn't feel like it had been scraped against sand paper anymore. Plus, water would always hit harder at 3.

Goosebumps pricked your skin as you stood alone in your kitchen, staring out your window at the currently disappearing moon.

Your thoughts quieted for a moment, letting you soak in the silence that surrounded you.

Taking one last glance, you stride back to your room, practically jumping into your bed and under the covers which provided the warmth that comforted you constantly. You were out like a light.

A low ringing from beneath you awoke you. Had you forgotten to put your phone back on the dresser? Reaching down towards your pocket for your phone, you noticed that it was, in fact, not an alarm waking you up.

Someone was calling you.

But the thing is, your phone displayed an Unknown ID.

'Who would be calling me at...' your vision lifts up towards the time. It was only 5:21AM. You scrunched your nose up in disgust as you contemplated who was probably calling you. Most likely a scammer. Declining the call, you place your phone onto your dresser then rolling back over to face your wall, finally drifting back off to slee-


You groan in frustration. Just how desperate were these people?



"Hello," A shiver ran down your spine. "Is this Y/n L/n?"

"...Why? Who is this?"

"Ah, do you not recognise me, Y/n? We have met before."

You knew exactly who was on the other line. You'd deleted her number ages ago, it was one of the first things you did after your retirement. You hadn't wanted to do anything with the military after what had happened; you were aware that it would've likely made your recovery even more rocky than it already was.


"Nice to hear from you again, Silk. When was the last time we spoke?"

"There's a reason that we haven't talked in a while. Cut to the chase."

A light chuckle sounded from her. "As expected of you." Her tone swiftly switched to a more serious one. "Something's come up and, long story short,"

"We need you back."


You had declined the call without even a second thought. After so long, after finally recovering and finally getting past the military...

Was that all for nothing?

You couldn't dwell on that thought any longer when a notification of a new message sounded.

<Central Cafe, 1300>
<Expect to see you there, Silk.>

Your sleep had gone as expected. Restless. You couldn't help but wonder; why did they choose to call me now? What do they want with me? How did she find out where-

The last part actually didn't surprise you, however. Despite having attempted to cut all ties with the military, you knew deep down that they would always end up knowing where you were. You didn't really try to hide it at all anyways. You were too focused on getting away and getting over it all.

You would soon drift into unconsciousness, full of dread.

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