Chapter Fourteen

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The distinction between confidence and arrogance often seemed indistinct, a lesson I had recently learned through my interactions with Rusty and my comparison of him to boys my age. There existed only a narrow stretch between the domain of complete jerks and the territory of spineless cowards, where most of the young men my age seemed to wade. They attempted to project an air of bravado, constantly boasting about their perceived accomplishments. Despite my inclination, I refrained from calling them out on their hollow bravado.

Rusty, in his own way, embodied aspects of both confidence and arrogance. Despite my reluctance to acknowledge it, his assertiveness held a certain allure. He had genuine achievements to validate his attitude. A man with his own place, he was driven and relentless in his pursuits, evident in the remarkable number of tasks he had tackled since we had first met. Yet, his unwavering self-assurance knew no bounds. Like a seasoned salesperson, he effortlessly 'assumed the sale,' and I begrudgingly admitted that it often yielded results.

Slipping into the heels, I examined my reflection one last time on my phone screen. With ten minutes to spare before seven, I found myself ready and waiting, eager to head out with him, despite the fact that he hadn't formally asked. He had simply informed me, blatantly disregarding the boundaries and respect that I had emphasized during our conversations. Yet here I was, relenting on my stance, conceding my position and making my way to him with a sense of submission, akin to a dog with its tail tucked between its legs.

His allure lay in the thrill of his company, his maturity, and the unmistakable aura of testosterone that seemed to envelop him. The confines of my minuscule abode suddenly felt stifling, suffocating, resembling a cage that was closing in on me. Hastily grabbing my phone, I exited my dwelling, descending the stairs and stepping out of the building, only to find his car conveniently parked right at the curb. I didn't even break my stride as I made my way directly to the passenger side door, which aligned perfectly with the sidewalk leading up to my building.

He emerged from the driver's side and swiftly made his way around the car, effortlessly exuding an air of ownership over the entire world. His penetrating gaze as he looked at me conveyed a sense of profound possession, a reminder that I held a significant part of him, and I couldn't deny the exhilaration that surged through me in response.

"I hope you brought your appetite," he remarked, bypassing any pretence of pleasantries.

"Did you bring yours?" I countered, my tone tinged with a hint of standoffishness as I maneuvered myself, slipping into the passenger seat.

Just before he closed the door, his gaze roamed over me from head to toe, leaving an indelible impression.

"I'll never be able to get enough," he murmured, a declaration that lingered in the air between us.

A faint smile tugged at the corners of my mouth, despite my best efforts to suppress it. The familiar presence of Rusty, the self-assured and handsome man, had returned, eclipsing the memory of the borderline obsessive cop with an undeniable jealous streak.

He smoothly pulled away from the curb, handling the stick shift with such finesse that it was hard to believe he was driving a manual transmission. As we gained momentum and the need to shift gears diminished, his hand found its way to my thigh, a reassuring touch that felt oddly comforting. Glancing over at me briefly before redirecting his attention to the road, he exuded an air of confidence and ease.

"Where are we going?" I inquired, breaking the silence that had settled between us.

"To a restaurant, outside of town," he responded.

For the next few minutes, no words were exchanged. I simply sat there, enveloped in a sense of solace amplified by his hand resting on my thigh, and comforted by the smooth, expert navigation of the road. The elegant attire he had purchased for me added a layer of empowerment, yet I remained intrigued by his choice of destination.

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