1 : Possession

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Flinging open the wood-covered door to the School Caféteria, Holly and Logan casually walked in, and instantly caught the strong fumes of pizza and Pasta King™.
"Aaaahhh, smelling good!" Holly exclaimed, sticking her tongue out in excitement.
"Oh! Abby!" Logan shouted, before slapping Holly out of her imagination.

Abby looked behind her and Holly pointed out that Abby's eyes were glowing red.
"What the?" Logan said in pure confusion.
Abby then ran out of the café, laughing manically.

"What is wrong with her?" Logan questioned, "And why were her eyes red?"
"Maybe she's possessed?" Holly said.
"Dont be silly! Ghosts aren't real...

...right?" Logan said nervously.

But what the duo didn't know is a familiar black creature was controlling Abby, as Abby had a Pure Soul and it wanted the P.S.

"Abby, come back!" Holly shouted, both running after Abby, who was in the Maths corridor, running towards the Science block.
"What has gotten into her!" Logan said to Holly looking just as puzzled as she was.

As Abby entered the Science block she ran into the Girls bathroom, still laughing like a mental patient.
"Crud! I can't go in!" Logan explained.
"It's fine, I will" Holly said, before swinging open the door to the girls bathroom.

Logan waited for around five minutes before something interesting happened. A loud zap could be heard, before Abby burst through the doors. Logan quickly grabbed her and pinned her on to the wall.

"ABBY! Pull yourself together right now!" Logan exclaimed, unaware that Abby was no longer possessed.
"b-but I di-d-didnt do a-any-anyth-th-thing" she pleaded.
"Yes you did! You went cr-" Logan began, before realising that Abby's eyes were now their normal brown colour.
"Uhhh, lemme explain" Logan laughed nervously.

"No need" A strange yet oddly familiar crystallic female voice called out.
"Huh? What was that?" Holly questioned, only just leaving the bathroom.

Slowly, a familiar enemy from a familiar TV show faded into exsistance.

"QUEEN CRYSALLIS?!" the three called out, in-sync.

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