「00」The part no one wants to read

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F***!!! How can life be so hard on someone? I normally am so much unproductive, unmotivated lazy person that I need pushing to do something and still I won't. And here I got my 10th boards results. A f*ing A, Grade 4.61 in GPA 5.00 and 78% score. How tf it happened I don't know, how am I feeling I don't know. And I also don't know how tf the 1st part (intro part) of the story got deleted (Thankfully I firstly write the story in Google Notes then in Wattpad, otherwise.... 🙃). I was feeling immensely overwhelmed, not understanding what to do. So I took a little break from writing to fix my life and organize my story more perfectly. And thankfully though I now might not be in the best situation, I'm feeling much better. Now after feeling the  inner peace I needed for writing, I'm starting to write the story again. Sorry for the trouble my fellow wattpadians. I hope you'll forgive me.

Those who're new to this part read the whole chappy and those who are old readers, don't worry, I'll update the 1st chappy soon tonight.  I might also publish a new story and a one shot book cause I'm impatient and my 6 months old story idea is eating my head... Hehe!!! 😅

Take this as an Apology and Eidi from me. Eid Mubarak everyone ♥

P.S : A special thanks to (Wattpad isn't allowing me to tag them in the chapter so I'm gonna tag them in the inline comments 🙃) ♥ .... For encouraging me to write my stories.

 Now onto the intro of the story.

❥ ᴘʀᴇꜰᴀᴄᴇ :

Warning :

1. I'm not an ECT (England Cricket Team) hater, rather I would say that they're my absolute favorites after SINA countries. But sometimes.... they wanna make me beat the hell out of them.

2. I'm new to writing stories specially writing cricket fictions. So if I do a error (which isn't very abnormal), please don't start bashing me or be harsh on me.

3. I'm also relatively very new to this (read ❝ Awesome & Addictive❞) world of cricket. So, I may not portray characters' personalities that well because like obviously, what I'm writing is absolutely canon and from my perspective of what I think they might be in real life by watching their videos (and reading fanfictions on Wattpad, lol.) Though it's another thing that I being me is definitely gonna take the liberty of fiction and gonna add my own spice. But no worries, I'm not gonna go to South from North. But please don't bash me on my characters' portrayal.

4. Fourth & most importantly, this fiction isn't only based on one group. It's based on 3 teams - ICT, ACT & ECT. So obviously, all the 3 teams are gonna get almost the same attention (almost because ICT & ACT are the heroes, so they're gonna get obviously more attention). So if you're here for only one team - which I don't mind - but you'll have to patient enough to wait for your team's scenes. And please, AGAIN, don't bash me by saying I made one team more hero like and other an Idiot or something.

5. Last but the least, if you don't like the book - no problem. I from beginning knew that this peculiar (& dangerously unique) idea might not be liked by everyone (actually anyone). Just be a silent reader and leave gracefully. Because though new to writing fictions about cricket, I ain't new to writing or to Wattpad. I have been here from past 5 years. So I exactly know what to do with people who aren't .... NICE. Insert "Evil Laugh" So, no harsh/destructive criticism. However, if you do find this book good enough, do vote and give inline comments. Please.... ! Insert "Virat's Puppy Face"

Author's Note : The idea of this story actually came from two absolutely unpredictable similarities of Indian & Australian players :-

1. They call " Edgebaston" a fortress. However, Virat got his first century in England there only. Even Steve's first twin tons (and comeback) came in Edgebaston. Most amusing (& hilarious) part : Even a bowler like Pat (yup, he's officially only a fast bowler. That batting prowess isn't officially accepted thus he's officially not an All-rounder) who's number 10th batsman won the match for his team.

2. If there's something that's ever gonna bind the former Australian Captain Tim Paine and our Men in Blue, it's gonna be how they like to trouble England. Here India won the England series 4-1 but Tim's happy as if he won it, lol. And there's one interview that I liked of Tim's a lot was when he told that he can name 15 more intimidating places than Edgebaston. Yup, definitely we can.

Another thing, many people might think why Jofra Archer out of everyone? Am I being actually still being childishly angry over those shower of bouncers he gave to Smudge & Marn? Maybe. But there's another reason. Even Brett Lee, the most intimidating bowler used to check up on batsman if he hurt them... But Jofra? He was smirking. Yáll can defend the Jofra & Jossy smiling pic because that was taken after a few time. But what about his nochalant shrug and smirking after bowling to Smudge. Plus you probably didn't read his tweet.

"All batsmen buy 2 helmets cause went we meet they will be in use".

Yup, I'm childish... Childish over my people. And Alex... Alex is Alex. Chose Franchise Cricket over a literal ODI tour. Was banned due to failing test of use of recreational drugs. Can you blame me? Sorry but no.

❥ ᴘʀᴇᴀᴍʙʟᴇ :

A tri-nation test series is held in the Lords stadium of England featuring the greatest rivals of all times - India, Australia & England. What could possibly go wrong?

Except for the fact that the Sweetest, most gentlemanly & mature player of the England aka their former captain Joe ❝ Joey/Josie ❞ Root aka the Fav 4's white labrador pup was ill and Ben Stokes, his best friend along with Joey's big brothers like Best Friends Sir Alastair Cook & James Anderson was taking care of him, thus the temporary captaincy went into the hands of a vengeful Jofra Archer & his deputy Alex Hales who were out for Blood.

However, They were in for because though India & Australia were the greatest rivals of all time ( along with obviously Ashes ), still off-field they were quite decently close. Except for that, the stupid Pommies (A nickname the Kangaroos players gave to English Players which the Men in Blue readily agreed to) decided with their kids and no one messes with the Lion cubs & Baby Koalas and go away unscathed.

Besides, there's common proverb in English,
❝ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴇᴍʏ ᴏғ ᴏɴᴇ's ᴇɴᴇᴍʏ ɪs ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅ ❞

The Poms were going to burn in hell as the two craziest national teams were coming together to take revenge.

ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴇᴍʏ ᴏғ ᴏɴᴇ's ᴇɴᴇᴍʏ ɪs ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅ ♥️Where stories live. Discover now