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A week after the execution of the beggars, Merlin has never been seen outside the palace again.

Even when the duke and his daughter came back to their country after their deal was closed. Merlin could not join to send them home.

He obeyed his father's order much to his dismay. Trying so hard to be fit to the crown he wears.

Will, who used to be so loyal to him. Did not have much of a choice either but to be strict around him. Reporting everything the prince does to the king like an obvious spy.

Although Merlin couldn't blame him, he still feels sad because he feels like he had lost a friend.

Despite Will reporting to the king every time his day will end. They are still being watched by a governess whom Merlin and his friends depict as a literal pawn of the king.

It's suffocating.

He could not have even a small conversation with either Will or Carl. They became like robots who are made to stand by his side. To watch him and catch a bullet for him.

“In a few weeks, the King and Queen will hold the annual ball. Many of the people will come, along with other guests from our neighboring kingdoms.”

“You must be ready and make yourself  respectable image. As this will be your perfect chance to choose a princess.”

Merlin turned to the governess with a frown. His mother had once spoken to him about it before. But it was only once since he was too young back then.

“A princess? Am I to wed right away?” He asks.

“You can expect the wedding will be announced soon. Maybe a few days after you choose a respectable princess.” The governess answers in a rather exciting tone.

“But I'm too young to marry. Didn't my father want me to focus on studying politics?” Merlin sighed as he dropped the book he was reading back to the table.

“The king does want you to study. But he also wants you to secure an heir to ascend to the throne.”

Merlin growls bitterly as he looks away. He couldn't help but make an angry expression.

I haven't even ascended to his throne and he's already waiting for my replacement.

Merlin laughs sarcastically. Shaking his head with sheer dismay.

I guess my father will never see me fit to wear his crown at all…

“Your Highness. It is time for your practice.” Will reminds him after checking his watch.

Merlin only nodded and stood up. Everyone followed him to his chambers while he got changed to get ready for his fencing training with the commander.

It's probably the only time Merlin can speak to Will. Since he is the only one he allows in his closet to help him get changed. With nobody else watching and listening to them like cameras.

“You should eat more. I've noticed you've been eating so little. I'm afraid you might suddenly pass out during your practice.” Will said to him while fixing his coat on him.

“This is the only time we can speak to each other. And yet you're gonna nag me?” Merlin chuckled while putting on his gloves.

“I'm just worried. So is Carl. And so is the Queen.” Will said and briefly stopped just to give him a warning look.

“You don't have to worry. I just have a small appetite! That's it!”

“Still. Things have already happened. You should just focus on getting better. There is no point in making yourself suffer for it.” Will stated as he stepped back after he finished.

Merlin huffs as he stares at himself in the mirror. It is indeed evident that he had lost some weight ever since what happened.

“I’m trying.” He whispered before walking ahead first.

Merlin attended his practice. And just like his relationship with Will and Carl, the commander was no different. They used to be friendly with each other but the commander was ordered to be nothing more than a teacher to him.

They are not allowed to have a conversation unless it is about their practice. And even the commander has to report to the king about his improvement before he goes back to the barracks.

When the practice ended, Merlin went back to his chambers to get changed and continued his study. Then he will get ready for dinner and join his parents. After dinner, he will study again in the library for an hour or two before he gets ready to sleep.

It became an endless loop yet time suddenly flowed faster as if it was wasting away.
The prince felt like he was a puppet held on a string. He could no longer do anything freely and everything he did was watched by every pair of eyes inside the palace.

It's like being imprisoned for committing a big crime. And one wrong move is an addition to your sentence.

Eventually, time flew so fast that it was already the time for the most awaited annual ball. The whole kingdom is talking about it. The king was kind enough to invite all the people to attend the ball. Despite them having royal guests from other kingdoms, it did not stop him to become fair to his own people.

Merlin knew it was gonna make everyone, including him. To be so busy it might as well make him just jump off the terrace of his chambers.

The night before the actual ball. Merlin could not sleep. He was told that many of their royal guests arrived within that day but his father forbade him to go outside his room so that the princesses would not see him. Therefore, they will have a genuine reaction upon meeting each other for the first time at the ball.

So Merlin stayed in his chambers all day. Drowning himself with endless books to make his day productive.

Even being inside his own chamber, he was still being watched. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Will, Carl, and the governess watched him like robots.

Merlin felt like he was gonna throw up everything he eats as it just all feels so…

“Suffocating…” the prince mumbled as he stared soullessly at the ceiling.

He tried to go to sleep but his eyes remained awake and stared at nothing. Even after counting up to a thousand sheep or singing himself to sleep. None of it works.

He remained awake until he saw sunlight seeped inside his chambers. An hour later, he could expect Will and the governess to enter his chambers and wake him up.
Playing another same old and boring puppet show.

Merlin sits up and goes back to his closet. He feels extremely cold and decides to get a thick robe to make himself warm. He suddenly stopped upon seeing himself in front of a mirror.

“I look perfect.”

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