BFAP Part 2: Earthquake

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It was a sunny day, and Coaly and Buck started to argue about who would be safe

Coaly: I'm safe!

Buck: No! I'm safe!

Coaly: You are the one going to that pit over there!

Buck: No, you!

They argued until everyone came...

Everyone except Coaly and Buck: What's wrong?

Coaly: Nothing-

Buck: She's a jerk!

Routery: Not this now..

Combat Knife: Agreed

Teabag: It's time for burger time.

Plastic Bottle: Wha?

Teabag: Burger time works like cake at stake! If Coaly or Buck is Safe, they will get something. Today is a Regular Pizza.

Ticket: I love regular stuff!

Pegtan and Lead Plate: you're too plain.

Ticket: Hey! What the heck is wrong with loving regular stuff

Pegtan: It's just..

Lead Plate: TOO PLAIN!

Teabag: Now Now... (Snaps and Brings Coaly and Buck to a treehouse)
Let's see....
Drumroll please...


Teabag: Okay stop now.

Teabag: So....................

Buck is safe with 1 vote!
Sorry Coaly, you got no votes. So you will have to go to the pit.

Coaly: Is there anything to do in the pit!??!?!?!?

Teabag: Yes. Play Toss the Dirt.

Coaly: Great!

Teabag: Bye Bye! (Snaps and Coaly Gets Flung to the Pit)
Now there are 19 Contestants Left!

Ringy: Now wha- AAAHHHHH! (Slips)

Worksheet, with Friction Removing Oil: Oopsie Woopsie... I guess.

Ringy: I'll make sure you will lose!!!!

Teabag: The Challenge is..


Survive an Earthquake and a Thunder Storm!
The first two to Faint is up for Elimination!

Double: Ohhh...
Clocky: KAYYYYY!

Teabag: 3 2 1 go! You guys have 5 hours!


Everyone Started to Run and find "safe places" according to them.

Pegtan: Lead Plate and Combat Knife Let's break the Thai boat and hide under one of the big pieces!

Lead Plate and Combat Knife: Yay! Great Idea!

They would split the boat in half and hide in one of the pieces

Buffery: I have to be careful... (Gets hit by lightning) Ow! (Goes near the ground)

Timetable and Buck: (Floats and Follows the Air) WEEEEEE WEEEE WEEEEEE!!!

Routery: I will hide in this ancient tunnel!
(He hides in it)

Bullet: Ohhhh I don't know where to hide.... AHA! (Digs a Hole and Hides)

Then.. There was Trouble.

Teabag: The Split will Start now! (He would split the Island into Two with his Elemental Powers) Ha. Ha. That will make it harder.

Cyanide: Oh no... Some of my Pills! (Some of His Pills come out and falls into the Sea)

I have to get it- OH NO!
(Falls then faints and floats on the water)

Teabag: Looks like Cyanide has Fainted. If someone faints after him, they are UFE with him!

Bladey and Surveillance: This Hole is Mine!
(They would fight each other)
Bladey: (Hits Surveillance with her Blade)

Surveillance: Grrr.... (Kung fu kicks Bladey)

Then.... Someone comes out of the Hole....


Bullet: (comes out) What's going on?

Surveillance and Bladey: RAHH OW! RAHH OW!

(Bladey Faints)

Teabag: Bladey is up for elimination now because she has fainted!

(Vote in the Comments for who do you want to Eliminate this time! Type 1 for Cyanide and Type 2 for Bladey!)

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