Chapter 3: Yoko and Hirao had to dragged Sato sensei

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Meanwhile, back inside at the indoor sports hall together with the Sakurazaka students, even Takemoto saw that Ogawa Sato had trusted the Hinatazaka school for his life ever had been going to school.

Sato: if you won't believe why I chose this school compared to your school just ask Kosaka Nao then she will tell you right away

Yoko: Nao senpai please explain to them while I dragged Sato sensei with Hirao

Kosaka: uh...sure of course and Sato sensei please listen to them and let them help you out

Later Sato sensei was dragged by his two students out of the indoor sports hall and went back outside to talk with him since he didn't agree with them after all.

Yoko: Sato sensei please come with us and let us help you out with them and tell us why you hate the most this time with the Sakurazaka student

Hirao: Shogenji that answer was so straight forward for Sato sensei to answer your question

Yoko: sorry Sato sensei I didn't mean that but you could tell us why right

Before Ogawa Sato turned around to the Sakurazaka student back inside the indoor sports hall he wanted Nao's side to protect her as soon as possible could be safe.

Yoko: Sato sensei are you listening to us

Sato: sorry Shogenji what did you even say to me sorry I just got some vision about those people that I need to save them

Hirao: wait...where are you going we didn't have any second to talk with you here

Without any sound coming from Ogawa Sato known as Sato sensei had some great vision undercover investigator about that student who just come here to see Sato sensei back again.

Kosaka: wait...Sato sensei why are you back here and did you finish talking with Hirao and Yoko outside the sports hall

Sato: there is no time wasted on them but I have this bad feeling about that student who just came here without saying anything about it

Ginger: Sato what is going on here and since when did you become an undercover investigator and a teacher

Suddenly, Ogawa Sato could see again some red dot lasers were targeted at the Sakurazaka student but this time around Takemoto Yui was targeted by that evil undercover investigator that she would die for his life.

Sato: Detective Ginger please eliminate that sniper from those buildings and I will save Yuichan's life from it

Takemoto: hold on why I am the target here and Gin please find them or else I could have died

Ginger: don't worry trust Sato he was the best of all Detective we have left right before someone here took some vacation instead of going back to report to me since then

In the meantime, Detective Ginger went out of the indoor sports hall as fast as he could catch this evil undercover investigator himself.

Takemoto: so that means that you going to save me with this that you are going to be saved

Sato: I do trust Detective Ginger myself but I do not trust you guys so yeah I would save you if I could have risked myself to save you

Onuma: Sato sensei you didn't hate have you sensei

Later Ogawa Sato was pushed away from them to the ground while they were okay but there was some shot in his leg that could have killed him Hirao and Yoko dragged him out from the indoor sports hall as his students were seeing his pain with those of the Sakurazaka student.

Yoko: Sato sensei you saved both of them at the same time but why are you taking the blame on you

Hirao: Sato sensei please tell us why it that

Sato: fine I will tell you but I will tell everyone why I hate them the most but not her but it is just another student who rejects my feelings about them

Right before Detective Ginger came back from eliminate the evil undercover investigator he saw that Sato sensei had been shot in his right leg now he was walking limping so didn't worry about him besides he had his students helping him to walk back inside and told everyone why he had to hate them for a second ago before he was accepted for this school instead of the Sakurazaka school.

Kosaka: Sato sensei please sit here while I check on your right leg and warp some bandage on your leg instead

Sato: please do so Nao and stay here with me until the end while I tell them why I hate so much them and why I keep my feelings shut into myself

Takemoto: Sato sensei I didn't know that you were shut in by yourself until now but please tell us why is that

Once Ogawa Sato explained to them why he was shut in by himself as much as he wanted to tell that student who still cared about him than another student who hated him so much until now.

Sato: I do not hate Onuma and Yuichan but the Sakurazaka students are my enemies who have rejected my feelings for them

Onuma: aww...Sato sensei you do love us even though they could be jealous of us right now since we visited you back here at your school

Takemoto: were saying that you were faking this trust us this whole time Sato sensei

When Ogawa Sato was ready to tell them Takemoto Onuma had to hold onto his shoulder while he was ready to tell together with them so his students could know why he had some bad vibe around the Sakurazaka students and then the school itself.

Takemoto: Sato sensei don't worry try to relax for a bit and tell them about your time together with us one day you left us alone all of a sudden

Onuma: yes tell that first of all time being we are here together with you same with Kosaka Nao your crush

Kosaka: Sato senpai please tell them the story behind that student who has been hard on you since your had left the school a week ago

Ogawa Sato closed his eyes and he was ready to be told by them his student wanted to know his background past so he was shut in by himself inside his mind.

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