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"GET DOWN HERE BITCH'S" Aurora and Ariel dad yells up to them again.

As they are on their way downstairs their mom trips them and they fall down the stairs. After recovering from the fall they go see what their father wants, where he then proceeds to punch them for not making his dinner right "GO MAKE IT AGAIN AND DO IT RIGHT THIS TIME" he yells in their face.

The girls soon decides that enough is enough and their running and never coming back again so after making sure that their made the food right this time they go to their shared room where their barely a bed. At 3:00 in the morning they leave with nothing not. ( not that they had anything to begin with.) they lived in a really secluded so they walked through the woods until sunrise walking until they couldn't anymore they stop cuddling each other for warmth they fall asleep.

3 hours later

Aurora wakes up and hears leave rustling " Ariel wake up." whispers aurora, Ariel wakes to her sister shaking her. "What?" "Do you hear that?" Ariel stay still hearing the leaves rustle again they both get up and start to walk away slowly trying to not alert whatever it is that  that they are not there. Someone yells "hey" and they girls start running for they hear coming one running after them so they run as fast as they can until they can't hear the person following them any more their now in the city they stop in an alleyway making sure no saw them enter the alleyway they sit down opposite sides of the wall finally able to relax and breathe they soon fall back to sleep.

They wake up again and it's now night time and their hungry so they go around looking for a place to steal from since they didn't bring any money they find a corner store go in and steal some food and drinks they get caught by the cashier and run away back to the alleyway they slept in they stop eat and go to sleep again.

The next day

The girls wake up the next day they don't really do anything but talk to each other about what they are going to do next and what they think life will be like for until a two people see them and they immediately get scared who are these people Larry and Laurent bourgeois. They start walking towards the girls and the girls are backing away scared Larry raises his hand to check if they're ok and the girls immediately flinch and whimper, Larry moves his hand back Laurent gets down on one knee and asks "are you ok" and holds his hand out for him to touch the girls look at it for like a minute before taking it they stand up and sit back down almost instantly in pain from walking and running bare foot "aww poor things"
Laurent says. "Can we pick you up" says Larry the girls hesitantly nod so Larry picks up Ariel and Laurent picks up  Aurora as they pick them up they feel how light and fragile and feeling everyone of their ribs though their skin they feel back and wonder what these girls have been though.

Im going to just put this story in first person made because it was hard to write in 3 person also this is my first book so pls don't judge

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