Chapter 7: Feelings

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Jack J POV:

I woke up exactly where I was last night. I was laying on Nikki's bed with her cuddled up next to me.
This was all so weird to me. It's like she's a completely different person at school. I mean, if anyone found out that she was doing this, her "reputation" would be destroyed. I looked down at her. She looks so pretty. What am I saying? She's a brat. She's supposed to look pretty wherever she is. I grabbed my phone and saw that Jack had been texting me all night. I forgot we'd made plans to hang out yesterday. I guess I got "preoccupied"?

I told him I was at Nikki's house. When I told him he seemed scared. He told me that she's fake and that this was just another evil plan. I wasn't sure who to believe. I mean, Nikki is so nice to me outside of school but in school she treats me like everyone else. She ignores me; treats me like I don't exist. I was distracted from my thoughts when I saw Nikki's eyes flutter open. "Morning..." She says between yawns. "Morning." I reply. She sat up, leaving me with a cold feeling from where she was. "I guess you didn't want the guest room." She said. I half smiled. How was I supposed to answer that? "Uhh...sorry...I um..." I sputtered. Why do I always do this? She laughed. "It's fine." She said. She walked away into the bathroom. I was still wearing the clothes from yesterday. So was she.

Nikki POV:

I woke up with Jack's arm around me and my head on his chest. "I guess you didn't want the guest room..." I say jokingly. He sputters. It's kinda cute when he does that. I did my usual bathroom routine but this time didn't put on makeup. I walked back into my room and checked my phone. Ashley, of course was practically screaming at me through the phone.

A: Anthony told me wut u did!! wut da hell is wrong with u!!

She makes me so mad. She's basically mad at me for helping someone.

N: Idc what he said. Just b/c I helped Jack and stood up for him doesn't mean u should get mad about that. It doesn't concern u n idc if Anthony tells the whole school!

She soon replied.

A: y do like him?! He's stupid!

N: no he's not. U only pick on him b/c ur jealous that he's smarter n nicer den u. If u wanna pick a fight with me then do it to my face. Just leave me and Jack alone...

She read it but never responded. Thank God. I'm so done with these people. If people actually liked me at school, then they will side with me too. But I don't need anyone to side with me. I know I'm right about this.
  "Are you ok?" Jack asked. I looked up at him. "Uhh yeah....yeah I'm fine..." I say. He looked at me skeptically. "You're glaring at your phone." He said. I chuckled. I didn't realize I do that. "Uhh it's nothing..." I say. I turned off my phone.
"So when do you wanna get your car?" I asked. He shrugged. "Whenever you feel like going." He said kindly. I nodded. "Ok, how about around noon?" I asked. He chuckled. "It's noon now." He said. I hate sleeping late, I feel like I wasted my day. "Ohh....ok then...I guess we should eat lunch instead of breakfast." I say jokingly. "'re actually gonna eat?!" He said. "Of course I am! It's already noon!" I said. He laughed. "Ok let's go..." He said while staring to leave. I just stood there. He eventually came back. "You coming?" He asked. I raise one eyebrow. "You think I'm going out?" I say sassily. He looked confused. "You want pizza?" I asked while holding up my phone. He smiled. "Uh sure." He said awkwardly while walking back in my room and sitting on my bed. I ordered and walked downstairs. He followed. I sat on the couch and he sat next to me. "So...what now?" I asked while attempting to make 'small talk'. "Um...I'm kinda tired so can we just chill and watch Netflix or something?" He said obliviously. I stopped what I was doing and looked at him wide eyed. He basically just said Netflix and Chill backwards. Surely he didn't mean that. I decided to tease him. "Uh sorry that's not why I brought you to my house..." I said trying not to laugh. He looked at me strangely for a few seconds and then his hand flew up and slapped his forehead. "Oh my gosh I'm sor-" I cut him off with laughter. "Jack, I was just kidding!" I smiled. "Oh..." He mutters as his cheeks turned pink and he smiled back at me.
Fifteen minutes later the doorbell rang. I started to get up but Jack stopped me. He smiled at me. "Let me, it's the least I can do." He said. I felt my face growing hotter. "Thanks." I smiled. He got up, answered the door, and paid. He walked back in and went to the kitchen. We got our pizza and went back to Netflix. I put on a movie and we watched in silence.

Jack J POV:

At school Nikki's so confident and you almost never see an imperfection. But that's unnatural. When she has all that makeup on you can never see any natural part of her face. But she had none on now. And I never though I'd say this. But she's actually...really pretty. I've never seen her blush either. Maybe she wants to cover up her natural imperfections. She shouldn't. It makes her look beautiful. How am I saying this about her? Well I guess it's kinda true, but when she "pretends" it takes away from her personality. Which I was staring to like...
After we finished eating we kept watching Netflix. She kept yawning. Even though we slept really late and it was only around 2:00pm. Then she did the unexpected: she laid her head on my shoulder. She acts like she likes being around me... Maybe... I mean, she was cuddling with me earlier and she just tried again now. I'm not complaining though... I awkwardly put my arm around her. She chuckled. "You're so awkward." She said. I laughed. "Thanks..." I say. She sighed and got closer to me. I (more comfortably) put my arm around her. A girl hasn't taken any interest in me for a while....three years to be exact. Let's just say, the day I started getting bullied was the worst day of my life. And now the most popular girl in school, who was risking her popularity while being with me, was. Well I mean she sure acts like it. And I liked it. I liked her. But I can't possibly be with her. She's a popular. I'm a nobody.

Nikki POV:

Jack's so awkward and adorable. What? Did I just think that? I guess I did.... I felt safe in his arms. Ok, cliche much? I was distracted from my thoughts when Jack spoke. "It's kinda late, should we go get my car?" He asked. I moved abruptly. "Uhh yeah sure..." I said with disappointment in my voice. In about five minutes we left. I drove to the school and saw the only car in the parking lot, Jack's. I parked next to it. We both just say there for a second. Jack looked at me. I never realized how amazing his eyes were. They were bright blue. He smiled a little. I smiled back. I started blushing again. Why does this keep happening? "You're beautiful when you smile." He blurted out. I smiled and blushed again. It seems like that's all I could do today. He quickly covered his mouth with his hand. "I'm so sorry. I didn't m-mean to say that out loud." He sputters nervously. I chuckled. "It's ok. I'm not mad." I said quietly. We just stared at each other for a while. "I wanna thank you for yesterday. No one has done that for me before." He said. I felt so bad for him. "No problem. I'll slap Anthony any day." I said. He flashed a smile at me once more before he got out. "Bye...I'll uh... see you Monday..." He says. "Bye..." I said. He got in his car and I pulled away. He's different than I expected. He's...better...than I thought he'd be.

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