Colors to Houses

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The boat ride to the castle was almost pretty great. Key word, almost. Marlene, Tommy, and I all shared a boat. There probably would've been a fourth person in the boat with us had it not been for two factors; everyone probably already had friends they wanted to sit with instead, and people may or may not have been freaked by our brightly colored selves. About halfway across the lake on our way to Hogwarts I had the bright idea which I had whispered to Marlene that we should rock the boat and pretend to almost push Tommy in. Unfortunately for me, Marlene managed to turn the tables against me and get her and Tommy to actually push me in the water. Her reason being that it was my turn for something to happen. Figures, and now I'm stood before two large doors not only as someone who is a bright neon green, but also completely drenched in water with every first year not-so-discreetly staring at me and quietly laughing.

"Marlene, what if I couldn't swim? Would you have let me drown and join the merpeople as a ghost?" I still can't believe they pushed me into the lake. Unbelievable.

"Well, I mean you seem pretty alive right now so I think it's fine. Besides you weren't gonna drown, I'm a pretty good swimmer myself I could have rescued you." She had the audacity to smile proudly at my potential drowning, which never would have happened by the way because I can, in fact, swim. But that's not the point.

Before anyone else could get a word in, a sudden hush came over from the room on the other side of the doors, where I presume everyone else was. A man started loudly speaking, probably to all the kids in there. Before I could really pay attention to what he was saying, a lady with glasses came through the door and walked over towards us, and began speaking to us, giving my friends and I a prolonged glance. Oh wait a minute, it's my Auntie Via.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, I am Professor McGonagall. The start of the school year feast will begin shortly, but before you can take your seats amongst your peers in the Great Hall, you must be sorted. So without anything further, we can begin."  And almost within perfect timing the man on the other side had stopped speaking. I'd be surprised with how coordinated their timing was with everything, but they've been doing this for years and seem to have everything down to a T.

Auntie Via, or as she said "Professor McGonagall" quickly pushed open the door and began walking towards the other end where a table of teachers sat in what seemed to be the so-called Great Hall. Yeah nope, Professor McGonagall is gonna be a weird adjustment. Once she arrived at the table she quickly pulled a paper out of thin air like magic and listed off a name. "Arquette, Varian", Oh figures he would be first. Varian walked up to the professor from where the rest of us still were and followed her to a stool in front of everyone before sitting down with a proud smile on his face while a hat was placed on his head. Where did that hat come from? Anyways looking around at the rest of the first years around me, they seemed nervous knowing they have to be sorted in front of someone like that.

After about 15 seconds I heard a loud voice yell "SLYTHERIN" and just like that I watched a table erupt into cheers as Varian went and sat with them. Huh, I wonder if I guessed that or not.

"Black, Sirius". Oh fun, of course it's the first two people who made a poor first impression on me who went first. Lucky bastards. Oddly enough though, as Black walked up to the stool he seemed to be hiding that he was nervous. He was doing rather poorly though considering I could tell from all the way from across the room. So much for that confidence of his from earlier.

The hat was placed on his head, although this time it seemed to take a lot longer to sort him. From where I stood it seemed Black was even debating with the hat. How odd, does it talk to you too instead of just yelling out the house? To snap me out of my thoughts the hat finally spoke.

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