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We finally arrived.... And of course there were thousands of people surrounding us, but as usual we ignored them...

We were in the castle.... I was waiting for Merlin to show up and...

"Turn around n/n!"
A familiar voice shouted, I turned around and of course... Saw Merlin.

"There you are mernie!"
Then Merlin giggled.
" 'mernie?' Really why that nickname?"
"No reason mernie"

Merlin had that smug face on himself and well I just clearly rolled my e/c eyes.

"...so y/n...do you wanna play around with my lightning paper?"
Merlin asked.
"Meh, I have telekinesis it's more fun than lighting."

"Oh really? How about we test that!"
Then he began to lead me through the garden behind the castle.
He then began to attack me, but I doged them and used my telekinesis to grab items to throw at him.
We were acting like little chlidren...

And I didn't mind.

A dragon came up to harm people in the village, and the dragon captured a princess!

The usual.

I came with Merlin and his other friends, everyone was simping for all of us, and Merlin literally giving a heart to a girl.

We began fighting the dragon, I used my telekinesis to get some water and de-fire the burning buildings, whille the others killing the dragon.

Once the dragon was defeated, all of us went over the princess, and when everyone saw their face... They thought she was a WITCH! of course I studied more and knew she was the fairy princess but obviously the others didn't...
"WAIT!!!" I shouted to them, and of course... They ignored me.

They started to attack her, and when they turned back, I began to help her up.
"Am so so sorry!...i know they're dumb but...yeah again sorry!"
I explain
"... It's okay dear but... They need a punishment."

The fairy princess started to cast a magic spell on them, they became...dwarves....

"Listen here boys! I casted a spell because you insolent group is dumb, by making you dwarves and when people look at you, your a dwarf but when someone isn't. Your back to your normal self..and to break the cause...is to get a kiss from the most beautiful girl..... Now... Tata!"

Then the fairy disappeared...

And the boys were screaming and were obviously sad they were dwarves and... THEY HAD TO KISS HE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL, IN THE WORLD.... AS DWARVES???
But the main problem was...
How was their parents going to react... Especially...

Merlins parents... He would go missing.... And me... Should I run away to help him?
No... That wouldn't be responsible! Then 2 princes would be missing!...

Although... I need to help that dumbass so he wouldn't do anything dumb....

What am I going to do?....



"𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒔"𝑴𝑬𝑹𝑳𝑰𝑵 𝑿 𝑴𝑨𝑳𝑬 𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑫𝑬𝑹 | 𝑹𝑬𝑫 𝑺𝑯𝑶𝑬𝑺Where stories live. Discover now