Chapter 6: Trolls To The Rescue!

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Third Person's POV

They were able to arrive to Mount Rageous, and got inside the Rage Dome building, and through the vents

From there, they're doing some exploring, but they'll find Floyd in one of those rooms

"Look, there he is." Poppy said 

And there's Floyd, still stuck in the diamond perfume bottle

"Come on." Dean said before pulling out a sticky hand and climbed down in one of the vanity vents from the twins' dressing room

"Floyd." Branch said as he went closer to the diamond bottle

Floyd noticed Branch, recognizing him

"Branch? Is it really you?"

"Yeah. It's really me."

Floyd chuckled as he stood up and sees the familiar vest Branch was wearing

"Wow. You've really grown into that vest. You're a man now."

Branch suddenly hugs against the diamond bottle

"Oh! Finally, somebody gets me."

With that, Branch and Floyd hugged, despite that he's still trapped in the perfume bottle

After that, Floyd noticed Hya, who flinches and suddenly looks away, and around, pretending to be looking out for danger just to avoid her father's gaze

But by her appearance, same magenta hair, but in ponytail, with side bangs slightly covering her eye like his, purple eyes and pale blue skin, similar to him, he immediately recognized her...

"Hya? What are you doing?" Branch asked

"Uh, nothing, just looking out if Velvet and Veneer will come back, that's it." She said, and chuckled nervously and awkwardly as she kept looking around

"Come on, Hya. It's just Floyd."

She stops and sighs

"I-I know..." She said quietly

She then slowly turns back around, now finally looking at Floyd, meeting his gaze, before she slowly walk up to the diamond bottle, getting close to him

She glanced at Branch, who nodded at her, before she look at Floyd

"...Dad?" She said, her voice became quiet

This was a literal dream come true for Floyd to finally see her after these years of separation...

"...Little angel...?" Floyd said, looking at her

That's the nickname he always calls her when she was a baby, and it has been a while since that nickname came out of his mouth

"You're... all grown up. The last time I saw you, you were just a little baby I always carry in my arms."

"Oh really?" She said as she chuckled, getting a little emotional as they chuckled together before they hugged, just like he did with Branch

"...But, wait, you need to leave. Right now." Floyd said, getting back to the real subject of the situation they're in

"No, Floyd, it's okay. We're here to rescue you." Poppy said

"No. This is a trap. Velvet and Veneer, they-- they lured you here. You gotta leave before they come back, hurry!" Floyd said

"Wait, no, we're not leaving here without you, Dad." Hya said

"Branch, Hya, please. Do it for me." Floyd insisted

Branch's Niece? (Trolls [OC Insert])Where stories live. Discover now