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My eyes awake to a sea of stars. I am floating, moving from and towards nothing. I am in a vast universe and no one knows where I am.

I am alone.

I wasn't always alone...I had a family I think.

I...don't know I can't remember. My mind is fuzzy and whenever I try to think too hard it hurts.

Wait. Who am I talking to? Who are you? Why am I here? Help me! Please help me! I don't want to be alone!

I̸ ̴d̷o̷n̶'̵t̶ ̷w̷a̶n̵t̶ ̷t̸o̵ ̴b̷e̷ ̵a̷l̸o̶n̶e̷!̴

I̵͔͐͆͑̽͘͘͝ ̴̘͈͓̠̬̅̏̉̇̀̊̕̕͝d̷̥͚͗̃̆̓ǫ̶̭̠̠̗̣̜̰͖͆͋͐͗̀͠ň̶̹͐̾͆'̵̧̯̫̖̱̖̩͓̯̏̂͊̔̑͋̌̆t̵̩̜̝̋ ̸̧̘͉̼̙͙́͑͑́̆̋w̸͇͒͌͜a̶̩̝̻̎͋ǹ̷̘̞̥̥̰͖͑̊̽͜ţ̸̺̹̰̳̻͔̲́͋͑̉́̃̈́̏ ̷̖̈́͊̊̀̈̓͗͌̎ṭ̴̢̳͍̮̣͙̦͛͊̍̔̀̄̒͛ǫ̶̱͎̮͍̱͈̟̋̉̚ ̴̹̦̩̹̞̙͖̄b̸̛̛̝͚͉͎̱̎̓͂̎͒͒̕ͅé̸͚̩͍̃̒̈́͛̌̌ ̸͙̭̒͝a̵̛̻̦̫͈̣̗̔̈́͛͑̏l̸̺̠͓̞̘͎̥̍́̆̅̅̂̽͘o̶̙͝n̸̛̼͓̆̔͊͊͂͐̾̚e̷̯̣͉̗̪͈̼͕͒̏̈́̇͒̅!̶̈́͂̍̎̚

The girl's face began to distort, her eyes bulging and her mouth drooping, her face started to swell up like a big balloon about to pop.

And it did. It did pop.

Startling the reader who thought this was a normal sci-fi novel. But the girl wasn't talking to the reader, she was talking to another girl who was watching her.

The Timekeeper. Daughter of Father Time. Destined to someday take her fathers place as the holder of time. Its protector. A mantle she does not want to fulfill. So she spends her days watching other girls, normal girls living normal lives. Longing for what they have. A choice.

So imagine her surprise when a random girl appears in the inner-dimension floating amongst the stars. So the Timekeeper did what any curious girl would do when a girl landed in the inner-dimension, she investigated it. And when she did she was greeted by that horrific sight.

The Timekeeper fled home to her father, tears streaming down her warm olive/honey? cheeks. The man deemed her father sat at his large oak desk seemingly working on a project of some sort, which he covered and hid as soon as his daughter entered the room. He was about to scold her when he noticed her tears.

"Petit Chronométreuse, What's the matter?" Father Time asked gently, whipping a monogrammed handkerchief from pocket.

The little timekeeper took the handkerchief and wiped her tears. "I saw something out-"

The little girl was unsure if she should tell her father where she was but thought it would be ok. "-out in the Androspace."

Her father's attitude changed from sweet and caring to pure rage.

"What did I say about going there?" The girl winced hearing the venom stinging his tone.

Father Time slapped the girl, a red handprint staining her cheek.

The girl held her cheek while her father stood in front of his large window overlooking their home's many hills. ""What did you see?" he asked, the venom not completely gone from his voice.

The girl hesitated, she did not want to be slapped again."A-a girl." she cursed herself for stuttering. She noticed her father flexing his hand, "She...exploded." Her father sighed "...why don't you go up to your room Zenaida." His voice barely above a whisper. So Zenaida left her fathers office and clambered up the stairs to her room. That was the last time her father showed her compassion. That was 5 years ago.

-hello it is i ok bye

yoooo that rhymed hahahaha im literally doctor suess

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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