Mechchan, android in Ukia

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I was not sure how long we've been falling but the last thing we woke up, we landed on some sort of metallic floor. I opened up my eyes moaning and so did the rest of my sisters. What was the last thing we escaped from? I think it must be Cynthia who tried to kill us.

"A good thing that we survived," said Tomoka.

"What else should we be worrying about?" Shira asked.


We looked over and we were shocked to see that we're in some kind of futuristic city. There are colorful buildings that I could see, strange yokai beings, I know it does look like a city, seen by landscape and other towns, but not like this.

And yet, we were being surrounded by what appeared to be aliens, aiming their blasters at us. I was scared and we could not transform. Without Rin, we have nowhere to run or hide. He quickly began to fight them off as long as we could and we started to run down the alien streets and leaping to each platform and platform.

We have nowhere to hide and we are done for.

"Quick! Over here!"

We looked over. There was a silver robot with two glowing blue eyes, motioning us to come over. We followed her. Once we were safe, we took a moment to take a nice breath of relief before we took a look at the robot. Shira began to thank the robot for rescuing us and however, we were not sure where we are

"This doesn't look like earth," she said.

"Where the heck are we?!" I panicked, clearly losing my mind.

"Calm down, young ones. I am known as Mechchan," the robot introduced herself. She told us that she was once a robot assistant once when a very ruthless group of invaders called the Okimas started to attack the labs and all of the scientists had fled while the lab was caught on fire. The young robot had managed to escape and now she told us that she was a wanted criminal, a fugitive who is believed to have destroyed the lab. She told us that we are on a planet called Ukia, where no terrain is allowed but filled with strange alien creatures, not yokai. Shira suddenly remembered that we need to save Rin from Cynthia. She asked if there is a way to get out of this alien infested place.

"To communicate with aliens, I have these four necklaces so you can hear their alien language," She gave us necklaces with blue orbs and when we put them on, we began to understand what the aliens were saying and she gave us these cloth like robes to wear on as a disguise.

I was impressed and I could not tell that this alien robe was perfect. Shira tells Mechchan that we need to get back to the yokai world and save Rin before Cynthia will do something bad.

"We need to get to the portal station which is far away in the galaxy. That we can get to the portal." She motioned us to come along so we could find an inn somewhere in the town.

We began to look around to see that this place is so amazing. I can't imagine what strange stores they have. There was an alien toy store, a peculiar mirror house where you see your own reflection but with different alien clothes, an alien candy store, aquarium, alien nursery. It was so weird.

As we found an alien inn with a fish tank and a circular bed, we started to settle into our bedroom. It was quite futuristic.

"We should be able to wait a while once we break into the portal station."

I began to pull out a drink that looks like a baby bottle filled with a strange purple substance, alien juice I think. And it had these strange boba things in it. "Who knows how long?"

Tomoka is quite concerned that the Okimas would attack us but she told us that there is a scout ship that should take us to the ship and we started to get ourselves prepared for the next journey to save Rin.

The next day after we left the inn, we took a short ride on the alien expressway to the Ukian train station. We all started to search for a station that will take us to the portal station but none of the aliens ever listened to us. As we searched around, Mechchan froze.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

We looked and saw a group of strange alien creatures with lizard-like heads, tentacles for their hair, legs of an octopus, and shark teeth.

They must be Okimas, those aliens that they are after Mechchan. They warned us to hand over Mechchan or they'll shoot, but without Rin, we can't activate our superhero form and fight those aliens. Mechchan told us to run for our very lives. We bolted as fast as we could, trying to find somewhere to hide and get away. Mechchan told us that she'll take care of the Okimas while we hide. We continued and we found a structure not too far away.

We bottled inside, safe from the Okimas.

"We should be safe," Shira said. "The Okima's will past by and we'll save Mech chan."

As we waited, we suddenly heard something rumble. It was coming from the structure and for some reason, we fell down like gravity is leaving. The next thing we knew, we all started flying in the air. That structure.... It was a cargo bay and it belonged to a ship.

"We're in space?" Tomoka exclaimed, surprised.

Suddenly, I felt my lungs feeling weak and I clutched my throat. "You guys, is it just me or is it getting difficult to breathe?"

Shira, Reika and Tomoka looked at me confused. "What do you mean?" Shira struggled and then gasped for air, clutching her throat. "Oh no.. We can't breathe...."

I covered my mouth and began to gag and choke, my lungs aching and my vision started feeling weak. "What can.... How... can we,,,,"

"Save.. your... breath..." Tomoka and Shira said at once. I shut my eyes and began to hold my breath along with my sisters who held theirs as well. I just wish that we kept on running and never came to this cargo bay but we were doomed. Doomed inside the cargo ship in space, where we could not breathe. I could not feel my consciousness anymore as we slowly drifted into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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Half Heart Hero  Book 6 Ukia no androido MetchanWhere stories live. Discover now