End (Pt.1)

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"Wake up, baby." The soothing voice wakes me up from my slumber. I saw my wife smiling down at me, giving me a kiss on my cheek before bending down to kiss the head of our a year  old daughter Evara, who is sound asleep on my stomach.

"It's seven in the evening. You fell asleep playing with Eva." She filled me with the information as she softly ran her fingers through my scalp.

She proceeded to take Eva from me, I know it's her feeding time. "Sleep some more if you want, I'll feed her till then."

I shook my head and stood up. "I'll cook us dinner." I then pulled her face to mine. "Make sure our baby sleeps fast."

I smirked at her flustered face as I kissed her mouth. "I'm going to have you as my deseart."

She widened her eyes, pushing me away. "Our daughter is here."

"She's doesn't understand." I walk away not before slaping her ass though.

I dismiss our private chef as well as the two housemaids before starting to cook meals for us.

Y/N, on the other hand, is in the living room with our daughter, who is on her baby chair while her mummy feeds her.

Our princess is growing up fast. I hate it. I want her tiny in my arms again. It's feels like yesterday when Y/N was pregnant with her, then gave birth to our Evara. I remember how small she was when I held her for the first time and how she used to wake us up in the middle of the night crying. 

Now she is an active child, always crawling around the house, trying to pick things that she finds curious. I had to call people to seal all the sharp corners around the house.

It's good in a way that she plays around all day and sleeps tight in the night so that I can have her mother all to myself.

I looked at both of them in the living room. Y/N is rocking her softly, pating her back to make a fall asleep.

I cooked us some egg fried rice along with kimchi strew.

A few moments later, I felt her arms wrapping around my waist, hugging me from behind. "Is she asleep?" I asked, holding her hands on my torso.

"Yes." Her hands slowly started to push my shirt up in an attempt to take it off.

I took it off, throwing it on the floor. She cups my chest and starts to place kisses on my back. "I'm cooking."

I remind her as she hums in response. "I'm not stopping."

"I can't cook when you're seducing me like this." I turn around to face her.

"So I want you to be a good girl and sit at the dinning table, I'll feed you dinner before I fuck you." I grip her face in my palm and pulled her into a kiss inserting my tongue in her mouth licking the  insides.

"Go." I pat her ass as she followed like the good girl she is.

"Damn, you cook so good, I'm going to fire our chef." She said as I laughed at her.

"Come here, sit on my lap, reward me for being a good cook." She does, sit on my lap facing me as I cupped her breast in my palms.

"No wonder those nips were pointing out. You're wearing no bra." I pulled the shirt off of her figure.

"I can't help, Eva love sucking on my breasts." She replied as I licked her nipple. Though Eva eats baby food and mashed fruits now, she still loves drinking milk from her mother so do I.

"Just like me." I smirk as I start to suck on her nipple. Soon, I could feel her milk in my mouth. "So good."

My palm cups her ass guiding her to grind on me. She looks so hot, I remember how insecure she was about her body after giving birth but to me she was same, my pretty Y/N who is now a mother, who gave me a daughter that I always wanted.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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