Forever Love

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Chapter 1
Fire and Ice

I was in my room, Charlie was sleeping. Edward got in my window, being so quiet I had no clue he was even coming.
"Bella are you awake?" He breathed. I knew it was him, form just his soft velevt voice in my ear. "Mm." I said. Edward laid in the bed with that night, Charlie was sleeping so loudly I could hear his snores. "Bella? How badly do you want me to change you?" Edward asked. "Badly." I said. Edward winced. "Bella." Edward said. "Edward please, I'm sick of being a human." I said. Edward looked at him. "Are you sure you really do want this?" Edward asked me. "Yes." I said. Edward looked at me, with pain in the topaz eyes. "Bella, if I do this." Edward said. "Edward please change me." I said. "Bella." Edward said. Edward then bit my neck, I felt it, it did not hurt at all, it only stung. A lot. I wanted this, I born to be a vampire, like Edward and his beautiful family. What would Jake think now? I wondered. Charlie then heard something, not from me. Once Edward was finished changing me, Charlie saw that I was an new person, well immortal. Edward left the room. "Bells, what the hell happened to you?" Charlie asked. "Dad, I wanted to be a vampire." I said. "Who did that to you, but I'm happy for you." Charlie said. "Edward." I said, my voice sounded like was singing a ne voice in the head. "Hello Charlie." Edward said, sitting  next to me. "She wanted you to change her Edward?" Charlie asked. "Yes she did." Edward said. I looked at Edward, smiling. The next day at the Cullen house, Alice saw that I was a new me. "Bella, you looked so good." she said to me. "Edward changed me." I said, then I felt a burning in my throat. "Yeah you need to hunt." Edward said.  Then Edward and I hunted for deer and other types of animals. "Bella, I must say you make a beautiful vampire." Edward said to me. I smiled. Then Jacob came. I sensed him. "There's a wolf with him." Edward said. I stepped back. "Who?" I asked. "Leah." Edward said. I looked around. "Jake what are you doing here?" I asked. Jacob looked at me. "What happened to you Bella?" Jacob asked me. "I had to be tranformed into a vampire." I said, Edward winked at me, knowing at how smart my answer was. I walked over to Edward, he wrapped his arm around me.
Alice then gave me some things to wear. "Try this one on Bella." Alice said. "Okay." I said, walking into the bathroom, to try on the dress, Alice had given me to try on. I looked in the mirror, the dress was so pretty. I liked how to fit on me. "How do I look?" I asked. "Beautiful." Edward said to me. I smiled at him, as he walked towards me. "You look so nice Bella." Rosalie said. "Thank you Rose." I said. "Doesn't she?" Alice asked. Rosalie smiled. "Bella, I underestimated you, you do make a lovely vampire." Rosalie said to me. Jacob walked in. "Since you and blondie friends?" Jacob joked. "Jake." I said, laughing. Edward smiled the smile I loved.  That night, Edward and I went to our place, to talk about how much he loves me and how much I mean to him. "Bella, you have been my life since we first met." Edward said to me, I looked at him, smiled. Edward leaned into kiss me. I latched around him, as he kissed me. "Bella, my love. You'll alays be my Bella, you'll always be my only reason why I'm here." Edward said. 
I kissed his neck. "You have saved my life as well Edward, I can't live without you, you know that." I said. Edward nodded. "Yes." Edward said. I looked at him.
The next day, I looked at him, smiling. Alice came over to me and Edward's place. Emmett walked in-
"Hey Bells. Nice dress." Emmett said to me. " Thanks Emmett." I said. Edward interwined his hand around mine.  "You're so beautiful." Edward said to me. I leaned my head on his chest, as his arms were around me. I love being a vampire, no that I won't be sleeping anymore, vampires don't sleep. Carlisle came in- "Hello Bella, how do you feel?" Carilsle asked. "I feel amazing." I said. Edward smiled at him, knowing that now I am a vampire.
Jacob looked at me, "Not going to lie Bella, you do look pretty good." Jacob said. "Thanks Jake." I said, soflty punching his shoulder. "Ow." Jacob said, rubbing his shoulder. "Is your newborn vampire this strong normally?" Jacob asked Edward. "Yes." Edward said, touching my hair. "My beautiful vampire Bella." Edward said to me. Charlie then called The Cullen house.
"Hello Carilsle, how's Bella doing?"
"Good, she's doing amazing, she makes an amazing vampire."
"Vampire?" Charlie asked. "Yes, Charlie, she's a vampire, Bella, got a illness where she had to be turned a vampire." Carilsle said. Charlie sighed.

"Bella what the hell do you mean you're a vampire?" Charlie asked. "Dad, it had to be earlier, dad then you think, I had to tranform before the wedding." I said. Charlie scoffed. "Bells, can I at least come over and see you?" Charlie asked. "Dad , right now is not a good time." I said, Edward stood still as a beautiful statue. "Bells, it'll give me a peace of mind, come on Bella." Charlie said. Edward and Esme were talking about how much Edward loves me." Esme, I love Bella with my heart, I transformed her into a vampire, now she's my everything." Edward said. Esme smiled. "Edward, she now apart of our family, Bella will be cherished and loved by us forever." Esme said.
Edward smiled. "Jacob, how do you feel about Bella being one of us?" Esme asked. "I feel weird about this thing." Jacob said. I looked and glared at him. "Bella, you're my best friend, I c-care about you." Jacob said. "Jake, you're my best friend." I said, looking at Edward. Edward kisses my cheek. "Bella you did the right thing." Edward said to me. Jacob stood there, looking at me and Rosalie, Esme smiled. "Bella, you and Edward make a wonderful lovely couple." Esme told Edward and I. "Thanks Esme, I do love him forever." I said to her, looking at Edward.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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