10. What fame is (now)

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It was raining and I hadn't brought my umbrella.

I didn't care. I ran. I ran and ran and ran, missing the subway station; I couldn't be confined in there.

I actually found the rain helped. Its icy coldness was like a slap to the face that was good for waking me up from this nightmare.

Tobirama... I saw Tobirama... He's a magician... An escape artist... 

I coughed as I ran, and the taste of blood filled my mouth. I must look crazed. After ten minutes and a lifetime, I realised I had forgotten to put on my coat; it was still on my chair back in the theatre, now empty in front of my third glass of champagne, half-empty if you were positive, half-full if you were negative because the goal was emptiness when it came to champagne.

Since when was Tobirama a magician? Why had he quit university? Why had we lost contact? There were so many questions, they were like a screaming crowd in my head that made me feel like throwing up.

I slowed down, leaned forwards and put my hands on my knees to breathe. The thought of catching a taxi home or even take the subway felt too confined for me, so I decided to check into a hotel, just for the night. I found one close-by, a really good one that was a bit above my price class but I didn't care. I went to my room, which was white and golden and absolutely wonderful, I would have noticed if I hadn't been so shocked, and took off all of my clothes until I was completely naked. I stood in front of the full-body mirror, looked at my embarrassing body; the too thin arms, the protruding hip bones. I thought of the lush curves of the women that had been with Tobirama on the stage and suddenly wanted to cry.

I did what I always did when I was upset; I took a hot shower. For an hour, I washed and re-washed my hair, conditioned it, scrubbed my body raw. I used all thousand different lotions and hair creams before I blow-dried my hair in perfect waves. I put on the dressing gown and went and lay down on my stomach on the bed.

Then, I Googled him because of course I did.

By just searching "Tobias magician", I realised he was globally famous. He was known to his fans as "Tie-me-up-Tobias", a nickname he had assured several interviewers didn't come from him but in a manner that let me know he didn't mind at all.

He had started off with his shows five years ago in local bars and clubs, but had soon been discovered and taken to the big theatres of the world to perform. He was incredibly popular among paparazzi, and I read he was suspected to have had several relationships with different women. I honestly didn't know if that hurt me more than if he had dated men as well. I would be more jealous of men seeing I could compare myself to them in a way I couldn't compare myself to women, but did the fact that he was never mentioned with men mean that time with me... That kiss... Had that been a mistake?

I found out his name was now Tobias Larson, and Tobirama Senju was mentioned nowhere, which I had suspected seeing I had Googled his old name many times before. I tried to find some background information about why he had opted out of university, but couldn't. But there was a lot of gossip about him, a lot of love but also a lot of hate, and no wonder; he was painfully handsome on all pictures, his entire appearance and demeanour oozing sex.

I imagined myself the shy teenage boy he had been. Could I imagine that boy being able to handle fame like this? I found I could. His upbringing had, without a doubt, provided him with a shield that certainly would help in the life he had created for himself.

"I should try to get some sleep", I said out loud, a habit I had when I was alone, which was most evenings, and planned on going to bed that had remained from my nights on the roof with Tobirama.

Still... After all these years.

I brushed my teeth with the complimentary toothbrush I had asked for in the reception while I tried to think out all of my thoughts so they wouldn't bother me when I went to bed. What had shocked me, I realised, wasn't only the sight of him, but also how much it had affected me. And was that so strange? Last time we had seen each other, I had been seventeen and he had kissed me. Then, he had disappeared out of my life.

I turned the lights off, trying to tell myself as I put my head to the pillow that it didn't matter, that I had seen him once and wouldn't see him again, that I would go on about my life just as before.

But hadn't life before been just one long waiting game to see him again?

The last thing I did was check my phone. Several of my colleagues had texted, expressing worry, but I only answered Chris, telling him I was okay and asking him to tell the others.

I soon fell into a surprisingly deep sleep. 

I was woken up by a knock on my door. I groaned. How long had I slept? Was the hotel housekeeping here already?

I checked my watch. Seven am? I didn't usually sleep in hotels, but I knew enough about them to understand that this was too early for cleaning; the breakfast buffet had just opened.

I put on my dressing gown and went to the door.

Outside stood someone who looked like an agent, in a black suit and sunglasses. He even had an earpiece and everything.

"Can I help you?" I asked, very confused.

He handed me a letter. I looked down on it, then up at him. He was waiting for something, but I didn't understand what. Did he expect me to tip him or something?

"I will await your response", he said, nodding to the letter.

I frowned and opened it. Inside was a letter and a business card, both black with white text making it incredibly soothing for the eyes to read.

The letter was short and concise.

Dear Mr Uchiha,

The escape artist Tobias Larson hereby invites you to partake in his Broadway show as his assistant next Saturday, the 11th October.

Repetition is Monday to Friday 6 pm to 8 pm, see location below. The repetition will not be with the escape artist himself. For the Broadway show, you will be his main assistant.

The escape artist sincerely hope you can partake. Please respond to the agent. 

Kind regards.

"So?" the agent, which I now knew belonged to Tobirama, or Tobias, asked. "What is your answer?"

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