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11 : 45 pm A young Muslim girl like your age was reading the holy Quran and she was just about to close it when suddenly her focus goes towards her ringing phone.

"Bismillah" she put Quraan on it's ,place. She than make a dua after that she blew on her hands and then passed them over her face. She checked the caller ID than she dailed the number again

Girl : Assalamualaikum

On the call: Walikum assalam

Girl : so what's the reason of calling me at this time?

On the call : nothing just normal

Girl : okay then I'm adding her also

On the call: okayyyyyyy

Call on conference

Girl : Assalamualaikum

On the call : walikum assalam

Girl : Sira ??

Sira : yes yes what Elma say ?

Elma : Nothing Aina Called me so i thought to add you so

Sira : Assalamualaikum Aina ???

Aina : Walikum assalam

Sira : you sounds tired are you okay ?

Aina : nahhh

Sira : what happened Aina everything okay ??

Aina : nothing girls

Sira : Maybe our Aina forgot .And, for what your tongues describe, do not utter the lie,

Aina : yeah yeahhhhhhh

Sira : so tell what happened to my angry bird??

Elma : WAIT !!!! tell everything from the start okay...

Sira : yes

Aina : first Sira , I wanted to ask that if I talk rudely to someone, is it a sin ?

Sira : like seriously Aina ??

Aina : say Naa

Sira : Elma tell her actually I'm washing Dishes

Elma : Okay so in Quraan it is said to womens of Islam that "you are not like anyone among women. If you fear Allāh, then do not be soft in speech [to men], lest he in whose heart is disease should covet, but speak with appropriate speech."

Aina : Oh yeah girls but my matter is different today and I have even hit someone.

Sira : See, our Allah has a very soft heart, he knows that you are regretting and feeling bad about the sin you have committed and perhaps you have also repented, as you know that Allah always forgive no matter how small or
big the sin is.

Elma : Now will you tell us or not what actually happened?

Aina : Actually today I had a fight with a boy

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