Another Rainy Day

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"That's it- that was the last straw! I can't do this anymore!"

'What? You still have to get through the ligament there! If anything, you gave him a mere-'

"I'm not talking about that, I-I'm talking about- this! ALL of this! I can't keep chasing people for you whenever I see them, I could get caught!"

'Hah! Like that's a bad thing...'

"It IS! They'll already be terrified when they find out this is happening again- a-and when they see that I'M the one doing this?!"

'They'll COWER beneath you!'

"I don't WANT that!"

'It's what Pin wanted...'

"I'm not her."

'Really? That blood on your hands says otherwise sweetheart~'

"...It was never Pin who did all of this.. was it.."

'...It was always many, many people, █████... many people who I inhabited.. there is no questioning it... simply... build the garden.'

"You know I'm not that strong, I-... why-... why did you choose me...?"

'Please. You know that answer- it lies deep within that shimmering mind of yours. I'm just here to help you find it...'

"We could've helped Pin... we could've saved her, I-..."

'Hey! Get your mind off of that volatile thumbtack. Get to cutting!'

"H-He keeps crying..."

'Nothing new there! The sound of him drowning in his blood is quite hilarious.'

"Won't they be able to recover him..?"

'How many times do I have to say it; they're both unable to die. That yoylite is keeping their souls in tact with their own bodies- helping their hearts beat, despite the injuries!~'

"So they can't?"

'Nope. They're still alive after all.'

"H-He won't stop crying... he could get us caught-"

'Not with that slit throat, he won't! You did great, dear~'

"There needs to be more order."

'Huh? Order?'

"I never wanted to hurt him- I-... I can't let something like this happen again..."

'Oh, suck it up, will you. This is how it must go.'

"Can't I have a say in this?!"

'If I want my garden to fail- I suppose so! I let that thumbtack pick and choose who she went for- she even made her own set of rules, haha!'


'Yes. Tried to make herself feel better by devising a plan to aid in my garden- yet, I never told her that it was all meaningless...'

"...That list... you-.."

'I sure did! Oh- he's crying for his mother again?! Ugh. Take care of that, will you?!'


'HELLOOOO?! Do I have to do ALL of the work around here?!'

"Not if you let me choose."

'Choose? Choose... what, exactly?'

"If I make my own list- my own rules and people for the garden- I'll listen to you. I....I won't go against your word."

Fear Garden 2: Scarlet's Bloom (An IDFB Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now