CHAPTER Two: The suprise

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Aiden Tamaoki continuous to watch the fight between the champion Francis Yagami and the American boxer Iori Boyka.

(Iori Boyka dodges Francis Yagami first punch and move backward)

Francis Yagami: are you afraid of my punch?

The spectators: weeh weeh!

Iori Boyka: ( while trotineting) instead of opening your mouth like a beech, you just better continue fighting.

Francis Yagami: (while smiling) hum hum! Your courage intimidate me, but you are having no chance of defeating a champion like me.

(Francis Yagami attacks for the second time his opponent by giving his left hand punch, unfortunately Iori Boyka still dodges it)

Iori Boyka: are you already tired, it is still the beginning of the first round.

Francis Yagami: better close your mouth idiot and let's continue the fight.

(Iori Boyka attacks for the first time with a fast speed, Yagami dodged the first punch but he was too slow to dodged the other punch giving by Iori Boyka in Yagami's face and Yagami fell.)

(While on the ground) this man is very fast more than me, no it is impossible I am a champion of Japan since five years.

(Aiden watching the fight in his laptop while jubilating)

Aiden: weeh weeh! Iori, you are a champion to me kick that Yagami's ass very well.

(The spectators started shouting Iori Boyka's name)

The spectators: Iori Iori Iori

Francis Yagami: (while shouting) no, you people should shout up I am the champion here.

The referee: ( to Francis Yagami) do you want to continue the fight.

Francis Yagami : don't ask me any question, I want to continue. ( To Iori Boyka) don't think that you have already win the match, because you put me down.

Iori Boyka's coach: ( to Iori Boyka) nice my champion, you are the best let's show them that we can defeat a five years champion.

Iori Boyka: ok coach.

The first spectator: Hee! Iori, you are the best make me to win extra money by winning this fight, I bet 10,000$ on youuu.

Francis Yagami's coach: Yagami, what are you doing on the ground, stand up and beat that guyy.

Francis Yagami: shut up and look how I am going to win.

(Francis Yagami stands and attacks for the third time by using his left leg, Iori still continues to dodged it. Yagami continuous the process but it is still dodges by Iori boyka.)

Iori Boyka: ( to Francis Yagami) are you really a champion? I am doubting, because you are too slow for me.

Francis Yagami : ( while angry) I cannot permit you to insulte mee, you are going to pay for iiit.

(Francis Yagami still continues his attacks with his legs and the hands, but this time he increases the speed. Unfortunately Iori stops all his movements)

Iori Boyka: (while mockery) hum hum! You are still a beginner.

(Iori Boyka gives him a heavy punch with his left hand and Yagami difficulty block it. At the moment to recover himself, Iori Boyka kick Francis face with his right leg. When Francis Yagami were to fall, Iori hold Francis's left hand and gave him a heavy blow that can weight two bags of cement to Francis face)

Francis Yagami : my Ggoodd!

(Francis Yagami falls again)

The referee: (to Francis Yagami) do you want to still continues the fight?

( Francis Yagami did not respond due to the heavy punch he received on his face by Iori boyka)

The Spectators: weeeh weeh weeh! You are the best Iori, Iori, Iori.

Francis Yagami's coach : no you cannot do that Yagami, stand up that man is humiliating us.

Iori Boyka : hee! Champion, it is already over nice you tried your best.

The referee: it is over he cannot continue fighting, so Iori Boyka win the match and becomes the new champion of the J.B.C

The spectators: weeeh weeeh Iori, Iori, Iori.

(Iori Boyka's coach jump on Iori)

Iori Boyka's coach: (while crying) thanks you Iori, we are champion now.

(The referee gives the champion title to Iori Boyka and Iori presented to the spectators)

Iori Boyka : thanks you to all of you.

Aiden: yeess, you win Iori Boyka yess you are now the new champion.

(After some minutes, his mood started changing and he closed his laptop with a rage mood " paaaam"

( While standing) I am going to resign from this enterprise.

"To be continue"

Thanks you for reading.

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