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I get up to take a shower after what just happened I'm surprised  yet mad because that was my  first time and I wanted it to be special  but  I  guess  I'll  get over it. I get out the shower and gather my things and limp to the my car and head home . As I get home I see mommy leaving out for work and I say bye to her guess she didn't  notice me limping.

Mommy: are you okay?

Y/N: *mumbles* yeah I'm  fine it nothing

Mommy:you sure

Y/N:yeah I love you have a safe and sound trip

You walk into the kitchen and get  something to eat and drink and you head to your roon. You quickly change into your pjs and get on your phone and scroll through Instagram  after a while you do your homework and decide to take a nap before you could your sisters barge into the room.

Mayleen,Janice, and Indya : Hay how was your day at school, what happened, any drama

Y/N: *sits up* well I was in school  and Brianna  made me mad and  we were playing volley ball and I served and hit the ball on her head  hard and  I walked out. Then start walking around the school and by the time I walked back into class it was over. So  I decided to go take a shower and  I see some one come in and me being stupid I'm going to and ask who are you. Then I tried to run and he pulled me back  and I  think you guys could figure out what happened. He basically  rape me and then he pulled out and I fell to the floor. Then he had the nerve to ask me what's wrong  with me and I'm like nigga really like you know what's  wrong. He then left and  I asked  him again who he was he lifted up his mask and walked  out and he left and I got up took a  shower and gathered  my things then left.

Indya: Did you like it

Janice: Did it feel good

Mayleen: Did you moan

Y/N: kinda,not at first but after a while yeah and yeah but shouldn't be worried about y'all should be worried  about me being okay like I could be dying on the inside and y'all  wanna ask questions

Janice: well my bad are you okay 


Janice : so what you ask for

Y/N: cause I wanted to see if you cared and you do Aww

Janice: whatever's

Y/N: promise you won't tell mom she doesn't know 

Mayleen:alright did you see any of the other guys

Indya and Janice : yeah did you


Mayleen: Alright see you later *leaves*

Indya and Janice: yeah see you later *leaves*

Y/N: Alright  ✌🏾✌🏾 * takes a nap *

AN: Haayyyy you guys did you like it sorry update was so long when I was writing  it deleted and  I had to write it over so yeah hope you liked pic of your mom and sister your mom is in the top left and Indya in top right Janice in bottom left Mayleen in bottom right

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