Off with the old

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"I can't believe I've done it," Jimin whispered.
"Jimin dear don't hold onto it like you've done something wrong,your father would be pleased to see you happy..."
"But....he wanted me to be a his image...."
"I know you heard our argument and I know you changed because of it,but Jimin you should be true to yourself and let me tell you ,your father was upset to see you lose your sparkle ,so for him get it back."
Jimin hugged his mother and both left the building that they had known for years.
It had been three weeks,weeks in which the media had a field day over the news that Jimin's father was actually murdered and that the killer was none other than his now deceased stepfather,add to that the attempted murder of Jimin and Jungkook then finally the business world clamouring to buy Park industries.
Throughout it all Jimin had stood by his mother pronouncing that his deceased stepfather had hidden his murky past from her and to thank his mother for safeguarding his inheritance.
Because of the media frenzy Jimin had only stayed at Jungkooks for two nights before staying with his mother.
Of course Jungkook came over but he also allowed the two time together.
"Bye ,bye sweetie visit me when you can!"
"I will..."
Now all he had to do was face the music with Jungkook, he looked at his watch two hours before he needed to be there.
He hailed a taxi,shoving his case in and directed them to the Jeon building.
Once there he made his way to Jungkooks office tapping on the door.
Jungkook looked up from his computer and a wide smile appeared on his face and he got up to open the door.
"Hey baby,I thought I was going to get a call when you were done?"
"Er...I didn't want to disturb you and well it's not that big a deal...right..." he lied
"Jimin it was your dad's company,I know you feel bad about it but I accepted you didn't want me there,but I want you to understand I'll always be there for you."
At his words Jimin fidgeted,uncomfortable with what he was about to say.
"Er Kookie,I need to tell you something,"
"Oh yer? Is it that you want a cozy night in,I'm down for that,shall we get takeaway?"
"I-I won't be there Kookie "
"Oh....are you staying at your mum's new apartment?"
"N...oooo,I'm catching a flight,"
"I leave for America in a few hours..."
"What the hell? Why how long for...."
"Three months......"
"Are you fucking with me?"
" no.......I...."
"What the hell is this  Jimin?you haven't mentioned it at all?"
"I'm going for an intensive dance course........I'm out of practice,I need to learn from professionals and a choreographer has agreed to train me,he is well known."
"Well yes...."
"Why do you do's like nobody else counts....,you just decide and go and do whatever you act like a single person.....well if that's what you want go,don't let me keep you!"Jungkook said angrily stalking back to his desk.
"Don't Kookie me....that name said by you used to mean a lot but now......."
Jimin bit his lip holding back the tears
"I just have to try.....I'm not sure I'll succeed,I don't want you to see me fail...."
He whispered ,but if he heard it He didn't say anything just stared stonily at his computer.
Jimn grabbed his suitcase and ran out banging into Tae.
"Jimin how are you...Jimin?"
"S-sorry Tae I have to go,take care of him,"
He left leaving Tae staring after him.
He felt totally diminished in spirit he sat in a taxi staring blankly out the window.
Once at the airport he searched for his phone to see if Jungkook had relented but couldn't find it anywhere..... seeing the time he knew he couldn't go back to look for it he barely had enough time now to check in.
He sadly made his way to the desk handing over his ticket and going through and was soon boarding the flight,tears finally falling as the plane took off.
"Er I think this is Jimins phone,he bumped into me earlier but I had to go to a meeting,will you give it to him?" Tae asked passing it over to a sullen looking Jungkook.
"Huh me? How ?"
"What do you mean how,he's your boyfriend!"
"Was.....was my boyfriend .....he's left me!"
'What? Don't be stupid..."
"Me stupid! He's the one running off not me!"
"Damn it Jungkook what do you mean,I could see he was upset but he wouldn't break up with you he loves you ."
"Really....loves me eh...when did he say it eh....never because he's got his own plans that don't include me!!"
Tae had,had enough he stood in front of his angry friend and gripped his shoulders,
"Tell me word for word what happened because your mood is pissing me off!"
So Jungkook told him.
"So where did he broke up with me come in?" Tae asked confused
Jungkook sighed,"" obviously you didn't listen,he's gone to America to learn dance!!"
"Yer so you said for three months"
Jungkook went to open his mouth then shut it his mind turning over Jimins words ...
"He didn't say he was leaving me......."
"That's what I said so why?"
"Fuck,I told him to go I was so angry he hadn't told me....."
"We'll call him apologise.."
"I can't you have his phone,"
"We'll call his hotel...."
"I don't know where his staying....."
"He didn't tell you or you didn't ask?"
"Both I didn't give him a chance to speak,"
"Damn it Jungkook ? What's the matter with you! He didn't say anything else?"
"Er.......yes...... he said....fuck.....he said he had to try he ...oh god...he didn't think he would succeed and he didn't want me to see him fail.....fuck I've really messed up."
"Way to go,he came hoping for encouragement and you throw him out!!"
"I was mad because he hadn't discussed it with me..."
" because he's damn scared of failing, he's been upset about giving up on his fathers business,he wants to own a dance studio and is testing himself by doing this first.......your his boyfriend how couldn't you see this!!"
Jungkooks face paled,of course Jimin was worried why didn't he realise,how many times this week alone had he heard Jimin joke about being out of the loop pertaining to dancing and all he'd said was he lived how Jimin danced.!!!!
"What's the time,if I get to the airport...."
"Kook Jimin left nearly three hours ago....his flight is probably in its way!"
"Aaaargh!!!!" He picked his phone "Hobi...U need your help!"
Jimin made his way out to the hustle and bustle taking the directions he'd been sent from the choreographers secretary
Once he arrived at the apartment building he made his way up and knocked on the door
It swung open ,a jovial looking man stood there,
"Hey you must be Jimin come in,I've filled the fridge linens are kept in this cupboard ,beds made,er your set to go,oh I'm Kane ,my uncle is your choreographer ,I'll pick you up at eight thirty tomorrow,bye for now,sleep well,oh here's your key!"
The young man waved and left leaving a bemused Jimin behind. He unpacked then flopped into bed tired from stress and the flight within minutes he was asleep.

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