The Glory Days

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"Please don't forget to review for next week's test. I know there are many festivities happening this weekend, but remember that it's just as important to study as it is to have fun!" Mr. Walman proclaims to the crowd of students rushing to exit the classroom.

Beau and Ryan had already sprung up from their seats to be the first out the door before the final bell even had a chance to ring.

"I'm directing this mainly at you, Mr. Coleman," the calculus teacher calls after Beau. "We don't want another repeat of last year!"

He had just barely passed Mr. Walman's pre-calculus course the previous year, but no one needs to know that. Without turning his head to face the teacher, Beau loudly responds, "Calm your tits, Wally. I'm gonna make that exam my bitch on Monday!"

This elicits chortles from his buddies and giggles from the girls in the surrounding area. He has failed all three quizzes leading up to this test, but he absolutely refuses to offer up that information to his peers.

So what if math isn't his strong suit?

Beau knows that he has plenty of other skills that will be far more useful in the long run anyways. His dad has always told him that he could be a lawyer with how much he argues. He also says that Beau can follow in his entrepreneurial footsteps and create his own financial planning business.

Sure—he may not know what 'financial planning' is, but that's what Google and college are for. He has plenty of time to figure out adult shit over the next couple of years.

Ryan suddenly rams his shoulder into him, but he barely moves despite the force of the playful shoving.

"Bro. That dude seriously needs to get off your dick. I swear he gets some weird hard on from calling you out like that," Ryan says while tossing an arm around his latest girlfriend. She's in the grade below and Beau cannot for the life of him remember what her name is.

Letting out a chuckle he replies in a dry tone, "What can I say? No one, not even The-Wall-Man, can resist all of this." He gestures to his body and then winks at a blonde that he's seen around at parties as they walk by. It's important to lay down the groundwork so he can make a move at a later time.

The group continues to stroll towards the front of the school while he scans the premises. Suddenly Beau spots his own current fixation.

Catching the tiny cheerleader in his arms, they share a steamy kiss in greeting before separating. Beau copies Ryan and puts his arm around his latest fling while guiding them down yet another hallway.

"I missed you, baby," the cheerleader, Sloane, blinks up at him while playing with the fingers on his hand dangling around her shoulder.

"'Course you did. You gonna put on a show for me today?" He brushes off her comment.

His buddies walking behind them poorly attempt to muffle their laughter at the question.

She doesn't seem to notice or mind their reaction and instead puts on a broad smile as she responds, "Mhmm. Me and the girls have been working on this routine for weeks now. I hope you like what you see."

One of his friends interjects before he can respond to the suggestive comment. "I don't know about Colesy, but I think he likes what he sees." His buddy points at a pathetic-looking boy standing at a locker nearby.

Beau rolls his eyes at his scrawny neighbor who has seemed to have caught the attention of his group. The kid always manages to make himself look meek and jittery. Peering over the crowds of students hurrying to exit the building, Everett meets Beau's eyes and gives him a nervous wave.

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