Knocking on Death's Door

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Everett's lips part ever so slightly as he stares at Finn in shock. "Your dad-"

"Is dying. Yeah."

Finn looks jittery and his leg bounces up and down in an anxious motion. He looks behind him to see if Beau is looking at them and turns back to Everett when he sees that nothing has changed with his brother's demeanor.

Still speechless, Everett just continues to stare at him with raised brows. Finn brings his head closer to him and speaks in a hushed tone. "Beau hates our dad and I don't blame him for that, but the infirmary at the prison called and told us that dad has a cardiovascular disease. Uh-" He looks up as if the ceiling would help him recall the specific diagnosis. His memory must pull through as he seems to remember it on his own. "Advanced congestive heart failure. That's what he has," Finn supplies to an uncomfortable-looking Everett.

"I'm so sorry, Finn. That's awful to hear, but I'm honestly not sure how you're going to convince Beau to talk to him. From what he's told me, it sounds like he never wants to see that man ever again," Everett whispers back while keeping an eye on Beau's figure in the distance to make sure he isn't listening in. Finn looks disappointed at Everett's words.

"I know. Beau really hates his guts. It's just.... dad sent us a letter about his diagnosis and he seems so sad and scared. All he wants is to see us one last time and I feel like we owe it to him to show up since it's his last request. Y'know?" Finn has tears in his eyes as he explains the situation. Everett can see that Finn isn't quite as unaffected by these circumstances as he's been trying to make it seem. Genuinely feeling bad for the man, Everett tries to think of how to help him out.

After a moment of thought, Everett says, "I really think you should just be honest with Beau. He'll fight you at first about it, but maybe he'll come around after he cools down. I can try to help coax him into visiting with you as well. I just can't do anything until you say something to him first."

Finn leans in with wide eyes as he says, "What if I invite the two of you over for dinner? Instead of coming to the house, you can meet me and mom at the jail."

Everett immediately shakes his head in disproval at the idea. "Nope. Not happening—I'm not tricking Beau and I won't let you trick him either. Honesty is the only way here, Finn."

As if on cue, Beau walks back out to address them where they sit at the table. "I'm tired. Gonna head up for the night," he mumbles the announcement before making his way upstairs.

Waiting until he hears a door shut upstairs, Everett then turns back to Finn. "I'm also tired and it looks like you could use some rest as well. Let's sleep on it and then maybe you and Beau can talk sometime tomorrow. Okay?" He proposes.

"Okay," Finn echoes dejectedly before following him upstairs.

Everett notices that the door for the other guest room not currently occupied by Finn is closed, so he assumes that Beau has decided to sleep there while his brother stays with them. He is surprised when he walks into his dark room and sees Beau's form under the covers. The closed guest room door must be to make it look like that's where Beau is staying while Finn is here.

Closing the bathroom door behind him to block the light from flooding their dark bedroom, Everett brushes his teeth then changes into boxers and a T-shirt before climbing into bed next to his partner. Once he lays down, two arms pull him towards a warm chest.

"I don't understand why he wants me to go back to Columbus so bad." Beau's words muffle as he speaks into Everett's neck. The vibration causes pleasant goosebumps to appear across his body. Well.... maybe not completely pleasant. The chill running through his body could also be attributed to the guilt he feels for knowing the exact reason Beau's family needs him in Columbus.

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