Rival Hearts (Smut)

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Once upon a time, in the bustling halls of Yunhan University, there were two students who couldn't stand the sight of each other: Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan. They were known across campus for their constant bickering and rivalry in everything from grades to sports to who could drink the most boba in one sitting.

Wang Yibo was the cool, aloof type, with a penchant for leather jackets and a motorbike that roared like a wild beast. He was a star on the basketball court and had a sharp tongue to match his sharp looks.

Xiao Zhan, on the other hand, was the epitome of charm and charisma. Always dressed impeccably in sweatshirts and stylish glasses, he was a whiz in the debate club and had a smile that could melt hearts.

Their feud began on the first day of freshman year when they both competed for the title of class president. Yibo had won, but Zhan wasn't about to give up. From then on, it was a battle of wits and wills.

Their clashes were legendary. Whether it was arguing over who got the last slice of pizza at the campus cafe or who deserved the highest grade in Professor Liu's history class, they were like magnets repelling each other.

One day, during a particularly heated debate in the library, they were caught arguing over a dusty old book that neither of them actually needed. The librarian, tired of their antics, sent them both to detention.

Sitting side by side in the quiet room, they realized they had more in common than they thought. Both were fiercely competitive, driven, and, it turned out, had a shared love for classic rock music.

"Who knew you had decent taste?" Zhan teased, a smirk playing on his lips.

Wang Yibo raised an eyebrow. "Says the guy who thinks Taylor Swift is a musical genius."

And just like that, they were bantering and laughing, the tension between them dissipating like smoke in the wind. As they served their detention sentence, they discovered a strange chemistry simmering beneath their rivalry.

After that day, something shifted between them. They still argued and competed, but now there was an underlying warmth, a mutual understanding that softened their sharp edges.

One evening, after a particularly intense basketball game where Yibo's team narrowly beat Zhan's, they found themselves alone in the locker room. The air was thick with sweat and tension as they caught their breaths.

"You were lucky," Zhan said, his voice low.

Yibo smirked, tossing his towel over his shoulder. "Luck had nothing to do with it. My team was just better."

Zhan stepped closer, their bodies almost touching. "Prove it," he challenged, his eyes darkening.

In the dimly lit locker room, the air was thick with the scent of sweat and adrenaline, a potent mix that seemed to electrify the space. Yibo still stood against the lockers, his chest heaving from the intense match just moments ago. His eyes, still blazing with the remnants of competition, met Zhan's once again. There was a tension between them, not just from their rivalry on the field, but from something deeper, something unspoken yet palpable. Yibo's heart pounded in his chest as Zhan's hand reached out to trace a line along his jaw, the touch sending shivers down his spine.

Without another word, Yibo leaned in, capturing Zhan's lips in a hungry kiss. It was fierce and passionate, a clash of wills and desires that had been building for far too long. Zhan responded eagerly, his hands finding their way to Yibo's waist, pulling him closer.

Their bodies pressed together, the heat between them igniting like a flame. Zhan could feel every hard line of Yibo's physique against his own, the sensation driving him wild with need. Yibo's hands roamed over Zhan's body, exploring every curve and muscle as if trying to memorize him.

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